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Gillette 1909 ABC Empire razor and case - eBay price out of control?

Just noticed this auction on eBay. Looks like a nice set but the pricing seems to be pretty high! Any experts in vintage Gillette's care to chime in? I know vintage razors are becoming popular but this seems to be a new high on these!
I tried looking up these sets online. This one is somewhat rare with the gold plated ones and leather box sets rarer. Have you handled these razors? Are they balanced and provide a good shave compared to the later vintage Gillette razors (like the super speed or the slim)? I"m also curious about the pricing on these. Obviously it is worth that much to all those bidders but is the price reasonable for what it is .. a somewhat complete, nice looking rare set?

They do seem to be popular, what do u want to know?
I tried looking up these sets online. This one is somewhat rare with the gold plated ones and leather box sets rarer. Have you handled these razors?
Yes, i have tried many of these designs, i have found them very effective shavers but nothing for me to keep as a daily shaver. I dont collect so i sell them if i dont use them. I do keep any razor if it is a gift or it has sentimental value though.

Are they balanced and provide a good shave compared to the later vintage Gillette razors (like the super speed or the slim)?
Gillette company did extraordinary research and development before putting out any razor. This particular razor was a perfect example of that. The razor is very well balanced and it does shave like a Slim set at 6 or 7. The SS is a mid aggressive razor so i really cant compare it to that. My final thoughts on the comparison is that it is similar to the Slim at a higher setting but not as smooth in the final shave results.

I"m also curious about the pricing on these. Obviously it is worth that much to all those bidders but is the price reasonable for what it is .. a somewhat complete, nice looking rare set?
We are not really in a position to give values of razors or items on B&B due to the fair policies that are in the Terms of usage.

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