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Gift From My Grandpa

My grandfather knew I was into wet-shaving and older styles of shaving, so he decided to give me one of his treasures this easter Sunday: a "Rolls Razor"

It was a gift to him from one of his old-time buddies who gave this to him over twenty sum odd years ago, his friend was backpacking across england when he picked it up many and many a year ago when it caught his eye in a shop.

It was in rather good condition when I got it, The outside looked very weathered though. I have cleaned, fixed, treated, and oiled it. The entire rolling mechanism is running very smoothly now and the buttons on either side are much easier to use now.

I will be shaving with the razor later tonight, I may post the results, I haven't decided yet.

My grandfather knew I was into wet-shaving and older styles of shaving, so he decided to give me one of his treasures this easter Sunday: a "Rolls Razor"

It was a gift to him from one of his old-time buddies who gave this to him over twenty sum odd years ago, his friend was backpacking across england when he picked it up many and many a year ago when it caught his eye in a shop.

It was in rather good condition when I got it, The outside looked very weathered though. I have cleaned, fixed, treated, and oiled it. The entire rolling mechanism is running very smoothly now and the buttons on either side are much easier to use now.

I will be shaving with the razor later tonight, I may post the results, I haven't decided yet.


Congratulations on the wonderful gift! In my humble opinion, the Rolls Razor was one of the most ingenious razors ever made. With the Rolls, the idea that you have a razor that will never need any blades, and will outlive you, is pretty amazing.

Check this out... http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/Rolls_Razor

and this... http://badgerandblade.com/vb/group.php?groupid=111

you will find lots of useful info at both places. Welcome to B&B and congrats on your new, but very old Rolls Razor. :thumbup:

If you have any questions about your razor, PM me or ask one of the many fine gentlemen in the Rolls Social Club.
Congrats!! Rolls Razors are awesome, make sure you hone, and strop the blade until it's sharp enough though. I have used a too dull Rolls blade, and got some serious irritation, and razor burn as a result. Not fun at all!
I've been having problems with the handle, it says the handle is the the telescopic handle and to just "pull it out" but I have pulled as hard as I could and nothing budged. Is there any way to loosen it?:confused1
That's a cool gift. I had to look at it a while on the wiki to figure out how it works.

Great idea.
I've been having problems with the handle, it says the handle is the the telescopic handle and to just "pull it out" but I have pulled as hard as I could and nothing budged. Is there any way to loosen it?:confused1

Most likely it has been sitting around untouched for sometime, and just needs to be worked free. It is possible that a small amount of rust, dust, or sediment of some kind has settled into the handle and is preventing you from opening it.

I would try to work in or spray in some type of lubricating oil like WD-40, I think with that and a bit of effort you will be able to pull the handle out to it's full length. Just make sure you clean it after you are done.
Congratulations on receiving such a fine shaving instrument! As for the handle, you might ask your Grandfather before you go any further, as it may have been replaced at some point down through the years.
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Congratulations of receiving such a fine shaving instrument! As for the handle, you might ask you Grandfather before you go any further, as it may have been replaced at some point down through the years.

I have not seen the telescoping handle. Are you sure that is the handle you have??

Other handles are a two part handle that you twist to loosen the screw, so you can then attach it to the blade, and a one piece handle that just slides onto the blade (which is really tricky to do, and seems like an accident waiting to happen).
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