Just a little jingle there from the past. Seriously guys there is a reason this stuff is still around. I recently bought a bottle of this stuff again for a classic 1940's style wedding I was in and discovered an unexpected side effect after using this for a couple of weeks- my hair is very soft now and alot healthier. When I went to my barber and asked for an old school taper cut and to leave the top longer and slick it back into a side part, I asked what the best product of the era was for keeping this style in check and he said every barber had this in their shop during the 40's 50's and 60's. it is a some what thick/lotion/cream that contains lanolin, so it is a bit harder to wash out of your hair, but I have seen no side effects from what little does not wash out- besides I wear my hair this way everyday so I'm just re-applying more after my shower. You can use a little and get light control and a soft feel or u can use more and get that classic slicked-down look that stars like Clark Gable, Cary Grant and others from the 50's sported for that timeless classic look. This is still around because it works and it leaves your hair very well conditioned.