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Geo F Tumper sample pack

In my quest for new and exciting creams to add to my collection, I ordered the sample pack direct from GFT. It arrived within a couple of days and was waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday. Beautifully presented, in a little canvas bag with each item bubble-wrapped inside.


It's got a very good selection inside - creams, colognes and skin food which I was also very keen to try.


I opened everything to have a good sniff. The colognes all smelt (to me) virtually identical and not my thing at all, so they've gone. The Coral skin food is very perfumed and pretty nasty, so that's gone. The Rose and Violet creams are equally perfumed - I can't imagine any man wanting to use anything like that, very feminine and girly.

However, the rest are divine. The coconut and almond are particularly nice, the lime smells really tangy and fruity and the sandalwood is happily not too overpowering. The sandalwood skin food smells quite strong out of the bottle, but the lime is lovely.

Can't wait to get these tried :001_smile
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I liked the rose and violet! I kind of figured it was the kind of product for a classy English gentleman :lol:

I liked the other scents too (particularly Eucris), but I'm not a fan of lime.
I have also recently ordered the same pack as you, though I have received different colognes and creams. I liked the Sandalwood skinfood a lot, but I only received one vial. While tastes may differ, but not the products marketed for men really makes a men. :wink2:
Really, you found that Spanish Leather cologne smelled similar to Ajaccio Violets Cologne?? :huh:

Maybe that was too literal, let me try again... Whatever the base ingredients are for cologne, they have a very distinctive smell, despite whatever other fragrances are added. It's that smell I don't care for.
I have also recently ordered the same pack as you, though I have received different colognes and creams. I liked the Sandalwood skinfood a lot, but I only received one vial. While tastes may differ, but not the products marketed for men really makes a men. :wink2:

When I ordered, I asked specifically if they would exchange come of the colognes for more skin food samples.
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Well, first impressions are very good. Today I used the Limes cream and Limes skin food.

The cream was excellent. Lathered easily and felt wonderfully slick, a very pleasant scent too. Not as fresh and 'zingy' as the TOBS Grapefruit but nowhere near the artificial nastiness of their Lemon & Lime. I don't think that I'd buy a full size bowl when there are so many others to choose from, but nothing negative to say about it at all.

The skin food is a strange creature. It's quite gloopy out of the bottle but as soon as you work it between your hands it becomes thinner and quite wet. Rubs in very easily and even though I have quite oily skin, left me with a nice matte finish until lunchtime. My only comment would be that it didn't soothe like any of my other ASBs would, which kind of negates its usefulness. I enjoyed the scent though, and I'll continue to use it as a moisturiser.

Sandalwood cream and skin food tomorrow :001_smile
Do you know if there are similar sample packs from the other T-s or D.R. Harris?

I couldn't find anything obvious. Connaught Shaving sells samples of the DR Harris creams though, so I have a handful of those to try.

I used the Sandalwood cream and skin food the other day. The cream was very nice, you know it's a definite winner with the OH when she walks into the bathroom and makes a point of saying how good you smell :biggrin:. The skin food wasn't such a hit though, it smelt lovely when I applied it but after a couple of hours on my skin the scent had changed noticeably and wasn't as nice.

Really looking forward to the Almond and Coconut creams, they smell :001_wub:
You're missing out by disregarding the Rose and Violet creams. Traditional/'Old-fashioned' maybe - but nothing unmanly about them (it's ok to smell like flowers).

To each their own though.
just got my sample pack in today as well! Excited to try everything although the one cream I wanted to try most (coconut) sadly wasn't included. I received almond, spanish leather, limes, eucris, sandalwood, and violet though. Looking forward to limes and eucris :)
just got my sample pack in today as well! Excited to try everything although the one cream I wanted to try most (coconut) sadly wasn't included. I received almond, spanish leather, limes, eucris, sandalwood, and violet though. Looking forward to limes and eucris :)

Wow, you got among the very best Trumper creams in that pack. Happy shaving!
just got my sample pack in today as well! Excited to try everything although the one cream I wanted to try most (coconut) sadly wasn't included. I received almond, spanish leather, limes, eucris, sandalwood, and violet though. Looking forward to limes and eucris :)

Good selection there! I tried the Coconut this morning and I've got to say, I was a little disappointed. Performed very well, just like the others, but the scent was so mild as to be almost unscented. I was really hoping for a good caribbean coconut hit, but this was nowhere near. Shame.
Good selection there! I tried the Coconut this morning and I've got to say, I was a little disappointed. Performed very well, just like the others, but the scent was so mild as to be almost unscented. I was really hoping for a good caribbean coconut hit, but this was nowhere near. Shame.

ahh I've read many times that it has one of the most subtle scents, but the best performance. Glad to hear they all performed well though...will make it easier to buy a full tub based on scent alone :w00t:
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