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General Thoughts on the R41

Just had my first shave this morning with the 2013 R41, used an Astra SP blade and WOW!!! I must say it was by far the BEST shave I've had yet. I have been using a Merkur 34 since I started about 3 months ago to develop technique and get accustomed to wet shaving, totally understand why everyone suggests that (or an R89 I guess) as a good starter razor. I could definitely feel a bit more blade but man is it exactly what I was looking for, basically a BBS in 2 passes (super close shave, but super good!) and the 3rd pass was more about touchups. My face felt the freshest it has been since I started.

I wouldn't call the shave "aggressive" as much as I would call it "close and smooth" since aggressive seems to make it appear as if it is going to slice you up. I only had one very very small nic and I attribute that to getting used to the new razor shape and feel. Overall, if you're new to DE wet shaving like I am (less than a year..less than 1/2 year in) and you're looking for a closer shave to get that BBS, I'd highly consider the R41 in your search for that perfect razor. Of course YMMV, but I think I found my combo! Will likely be trying a Feather blade in it a couple weeks from now once the Astra SP has its fair run. I think it was the perfect transition from the closed comb HD razor up to an open comb razor to develop technique and make that next jump to an efficient and wonderful shaving experience. Truly a precision piece of shaving equipment in my book! :thumbup:
I recently received an R41 and I wholly agree with you. This razor demands attention to technique but you reap the benefits. It does pull a little more than my 37C HD Slant if my beard is a bit longer. However, I use it everyday no matter what other razor I start with for my final pass and touch ups... I haven't settled on a 'perfect' blade yet for me but I'm enjoying the journey. The lore of the R41 is certainly intimidating but FEAR NOT... It's a great shave for gents with thicker growth.
This razor demands attention to technique but you reap the benefits. It does pull a little more than my 37C HD Slant if my beard is a bit longer.

+1, I noticed the tugging at one point and adjusted my angle and it was back to a slick and smooth shave. Perhaps that will help as well, but I guess depends on the length of growth too...
I just stepped into the R41 arena myself. Its definitely weird feeling the blade in it after being used to something like a Gillette Tech or SuperSpeed, but its definitely an efficient razor. I've found my sweet spot with a Feather blade in it. I did cut myself once, but it was my own fault. I cut the corner of my nostril when I was moving out of the way for my wife to come in the bathroom. D'oh!
+1, I noticed the tugging at one point and adjusted my angle and it was back to a slick and smooth shave. Perhaps that will help as well, but I guess depends on the length of growth too...

So which way did you adjust the angle to eliminate the tugging? Did you make the blade strike a more shallow angle?
So which way did you adjust the angle to eliminate the tugging? Did you make the blade strike a more shallow angle?

I find that a sharper blade reduces tugging. I love Astra's but find they tug a bit and even a little ruff feeling in the R41. I like Polsilver's, Blacks, Feathers and a couple others. Very nice razor.
So which way did you adjust the angle to eliminate the tugging? Did you make the blade strike a more shallow angle?

Yeah, basically. I think that may be what's really great about this razor too. It kinda lets you know the angle is off a bit by doing that and I noticed my technique needs some work when I should be changing the angle as I near my chin area as I come down from the bottom lip area. Adjusting the angle a bit seemed to work nicely.
I find that a sharper blade reduces tugging. I love Astra's but find they tug a bit and even a little ruff feeling in the R41. I like Polsilver's, Blacks, Feathers and a couple others. Very nice razor.

Interesting! I'm going to try a Feather blade in it next. Plan to go through a couple Astra SPs for consistency, to really test it out and then move to the Feathers for the true test. I already have a feeling I'm going to like the Feather even more in the R41 since I love it in my Merkur 34.
Is everyone sporting the standard handle or the grande? has anyone dared to put an aftermarket on it?

I got the Rosegold handle. Almost bought the grande but they don't make it in the Rosegold. My Merkur 34 is definitely heavier and served its purpose in training with the weight for sure but I don't think any more weight (pressure) is necessary for me. YMMV of course.
Careful, as the R41 nicks tend to add up over time unless you step up your technique. That being said, I use both the R41 2011 and 2013 versions more than any other razors. The 2013 is the more enjoyable shave. It demands a very sharp blade. In contrast the 2011 is best with a smooth, stiff but less sharp blade. Both will give you BBS+. The 2011 BBS will last hours longer than from the r41 2013.

As for "aggressive"... the R41 razors leave my skin feeling fresh, calm and smooth. So called "Mild" razors are tougher on the skin, IMHO.

I have found that the 2013 works best for me at a moderately shallow angle. The 2011 works best in a steep angle. YMMV.

To those that have tried an r41 and maybe given up too soon, or haven't tried it yet, I can't urge you enough to give it a go.

Use a SLICK soap and rub the lather well into your skin ATG and relather before your first pass. Average lather is NOT sufficient for this razor.

In a rush I use KMF Key Lime slathered on brushless with enough water to keep it very slick and can get a faceturbate-worthy BBS in about 2min. Not an enjoyable way to shave, but enjoyable results.

And again, where a DE89L often passes easily over healing nicks without harm, an R41 will slice them open again. Acne or bug bites are effortlessly decapitated by the R41... so just use a razor like a DE89L over any spot that needs to heal.
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Used my 2011 R41 head w/bulldog handle last night for the first time in ages. I use straights pretty much exclusively. But last night b/c of travelling, I thought I would bring it out again.
Now I remember why I held on to this DE (and a couple of others) but sold off the rest. A great, effortless shave with a Red Personna.
2013 R41 showed up on the stoop yesterday. Screwed a Weber handle on and used it this morning. Very different experience than my tame EJ89. I think I'll ease into on days I have a lot time. I can see myself using the 41 on a more regular basis, if not daily, over time. Very close shave and no real aggravation to speak of.

I beg to differ with you all on this. The R41 is extremely difficult to work with and get right. It did not cut me because I was careful enough to stop when it hit a snag. Even at the best angle the shave it still rough and unrefined.
I started with a shavette then got a de89 out of curiosity, I would have probably moved on to straights completely if not for the 2011 R41, Its the only razor I have a backup of.
It gives you the feeling that you shave rather than feeling nothing. Definitely quite a sensation. You get away with fewer passes.

Curious, I got used very well to the 2011 head and now started for the 1st time with a 2013 head grande. It is like starting to learn all over again. I can not figure it out why since the heads look rather alike but seem to shave different. When in a rush quite a bloodbath can occur. As of right now I am more comfortable with the 2011 head. I need to get to the bottom of it. It may also have been the feather. Back to the Astra Sp tomorrow.

As I am writing this it dawns on me a a bit similar to the game of golf.
2011 and 2013 r41 razors are really two different razors. I shave them at different angles and with different blades. I too still prefer the 2011, of which I have a handful as backup.
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