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Gamechanger .68 SP or Henson + or ++

Im trying to decide between these razors. I've read everything on the two over the last few nights. Has anyone had both? Any help would be appreciated.
I have the .68P and the AL13+. The pros and cons have been discussed extensively here at B&B. You can certainly read more about each in their respective brotherhood threads for Brotherhood of Razorock Gamechanger (BORG) and the Henson Razor Club.

I started with the AL13 and it does give a good shave, but I haven't used it much since I've picked up the GC line. I just seem to get a more comfortable shave with it. I also like being able to pick up an extra plate for minimal outlay and make the GC a bit more aggressive if that's what I really need.
@kaufdrop27 , what makes the Henson razors more enjoyable for you?
I actually think the Henson mild is more efficient than the gamechanger .68. It’s an autopilot razor that is quick and easy. I’m personally not a fan of multiple plates and gravitate toward whole razors. I’ve owned the gamechanger several times in multiple aggressions. It’s a great razor I just like the Henson better. I’d say try both and then decide!
I've had both GC (68P, 76P, 84P) and Henson medium (tried the mild from a friend as well).
I prefer the GameChanger line by far.
I'd select the GC 68P for daily shaving over the Henson mild anytime and the GC 84P over the Henson medium as well.
The Henson did not work that well for me, it is uncomfortable, tends to tug and drag. It actually put me off buying AL razors, I'm not not entirely sure it's only due to the material but still, it is way too light, I cannot let the weight of the razor do the work and end up having to apply pressure which leads to irritation. Even with pressure, due to its finish it suffers from drag issues.

As you can see, opinions differ wildly on any given razor, some people here seem to have a great experience with the Henson.
I have all of those and put the GC 68p close to the Henson +. They are both not quite efficient enough for my face. The Henson ++ is closer to, but a little less efficient than the GC 84p. The Hensons are smoother though.

Given the three you mention, I'd recommend the Henson ++. Smooth, fairly efficient, no drama, enjoyable shaves. But that's just my opinion.

Now if you're looking for milder, I'd still recommend the Henson + over the GC 68p.
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The Henson isn't for me (I tried all three varieties and sold them all) but many love it. I also tried the Gamechanger .84. it was ok but I sold it also. It has lots of fans too.

Just curious, why Gamechanger and Henson for your choices?
Gamechanger for me is one of the best safety razors out there. Just effortless to use. A real work horse. And it's so cheap you can by 5 spares for the price of any other cnc ss razor.
For me the hebson has always had too much drag. I like a polished slippery finish that makes the razor just float through hair
Late to this :) had both the GC 68 and 84 and the henson mild and the one above it
for me the GC easily as I do not like the suction to your face feel that the Henson can get but the wife took over one of the henson and loves it
One thing that might influence which you prefer is how comfortable you feel with the different angle the razors shave best. I find the GC likes to be held more like on the left here (similar to Gillette Tech) and the Henson more like on the right.
Disclaimer: I don't have a Henson, but my 'Merica is similar angle like I drew on the right compared to my GC
Im trying to decide between these razors. I've read everything on the two over the last few nights. Has anyone had both? Any help would be appreciated.

Maybe you should give some details, criteria what exactly are you looking for would help. Perhaps even sharing what kind of razor you’re using atm would even be better.

To understand what will suit your requirement and for best advise to be given, one must know your criteria first.

I have both Henson mild and medium but do not own GC so I am not qualified to give comparison.

Whatever you decide, grats on your upcoming acquisition.
The GC .84p is my go to after 30-40 razors. I still have a lot of high end $150+ razors to test out in the future as funds allow but so far in the sub $100 range nothing has beat the GameChanger for my face.

I have the .68p and .84p, and Henson Medium ++. I’ve only used the Henson a few times because I had similar issues as some posters above where it had a hard time cutting my hair and I had to repeatedly go back over the areas to get rid of the stubble. It’s also way too light which makes you add pressure which in turn causes irritation. A heavy razor and NO pressure applied would save so many newbies irritation if they only knew.

The .68p may be a tad too mild, it was great for daily but it did leave a little more stubble then I like. I pretty much always have a bit of a shadow no matter what razor I use but the .68p leaves more then I like. The .84p is the one for me but for daily the .76p might be the sweet spot. If I had to recommend one plate for a newbie it would likely be the .76p plate since it’s in a good sweet spot for daily shaves unless you need an ultra mild razor.

Lots of other good razors out there I haven’t tested yet like the Karve Overlander, Lambda Athena, Timeless 68/95 but these cost a bit more. For a cheap option lots of people love the cheap Zamak trio AX-SE from DSCosmetics which has 3 plates and is a Wolfman clone for around $20. If you like it you can order the SS plate or save up for an actual Wolfman.

There is also SE razors to consider. On the cheaper end you have the Yaqi Romulus, and Shield razors for around $50, and even the RazoRock Hawks. On the more expensive side many peoples favorite razor these days is the La Faulx. As much love as this razor has been receiving I’ll have to try one eventually but they’re around $200+.

Vintage is also worth checking out. Especially with SE razors like the Schick Injectors that can be had for $10-20 or less. The adjustable model M is the most recommended and would likely cost you $20-35. The vintage GEM Micromatics or G bars are highly regarded and most are around $10-20 at most. Just something to consider anyways.
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