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Game changer 1.05

The .84P is my go to. Out of 30-40 razors it’s my favorite so far.

If I’m shaving daily I sometimes grab the .68P instead but need to purchase a .76P for those days which would likely make my .68 obsolete.

I will probably try the .105p as well. I feel like I could handle a more aggressive GC then the .84p with 2-3 days growth.

I find the Game Changers far smoother/less blade feel then the Lupos. But I still like my Lupo 72, and 95 quite a bit. Strangely the 95 felt just as smooth as the 72 when I tested it but both are a little more blade feel then I like.
The .84P is my go to. Out of 30-40 razors it’s my favorite so far.

If I’m shaving daily I sometimes grab the .68P instead but need to purchase a .76P for those days which would likely make my .68 obsolete.

I will probably try the .105p as well. I feel like I could handle a more aggressive GC then the .84p with 2-3 days growth.

I find the Game Changers far smoother/less blade feel then the Lupos. But I still like my Lupo 72, and 95 quite a bit. Strangely the 95 felt just as smooth as the 72 when I tested it but both are a little more blade feel then I like.
That’s a similar impression I have. My GC .68 and .84 are much smoother than my Lupo .72.
Which other Razorock razors have you tried? I just recently tried the GC .84-P and loved it so much that I immediately ordered the GC .76-P and the Lupo .72 OC.

The GC .84-P felt about as aggressive as I think I can handle, so the 1.05 was out for me.
I’ve tried the SLOC I’m waiting for the superslant l3++ OC to come back in stock. I loved the sloc with a feather
Smoothness factor from my perspective : .84 GC SB > 1.05 GC SB > .72 LUPO SB > .95 LUPO SB

GC .84 SB cuts the worse out of the 4 plates I own.

.72 LUPO SB is more efficient and more "safe", but has more positive blade feel vs the same .84 GC SB. Night and day smoothness difference.

Cutting wise, I think it's a wash between .95 Lupo SB and 1.05 GC SB subjectively. Blade gap is high enough to where you won't really take a bad angle once adjusted, but you may find that they both dig in more. Can irritate certain skin types if you go over the same area multiple times.

I kinda like the .72 LUPO SB for a "jack of all trades" utensil, but it definitely has more bite relative to other razors with a similar gap. (Heavier positive exposure).

Edit: You can be very lazy with the .84 GC SB once you have the angle down. Super smooth. I assume .76 GC SB is just a smoother/safer version that cuts slightly worse.

Also never tried .68 GC SB. Was too low on Italian barbers "agro" graph for me to consider... Otherwise I would have stayed on DE89/R89.

Any razor in the "medium" section of that chart is where most people end up anyway for obvious reasons.

Wonder if IB/RR will end up making a .65 LUPO SB down the road. Would be a balanced stop gap in the lineup. Slightly more agro than .76 GC SB.
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Personally I prefer the Lupo series to GC
Same. But the 1.05 really shaves nice. Definitely gentler than the Lupo 1.27 but perhaps just as efficient.

Initial impressions:

The 1.05 is surprisingly smooth.

and possibly smoother than my Wolfman WR2 1.65.

I love mine. Only for 2+ days growth though. I can’t see many people using this one daily unless you are a Sasquatch.
The GC 1.05-P shaves smoother than the Wolfman WR2 1.65. Ok, today it did 😉 I'd say that's no surprise, given the difference in blade gap.

I'm not Bigfoot's brother, but I'll give the GC 1.05-P a try as a daily driver soon. Two passes, middle of the road blade. I have high hopes this approach will work out.

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The GC 1.05-P shaves smoother than the Wolfman WR2 1.65. Ok, today it did 😉 I'd say that's no surprise, given the difference in blade gap.

I'm not Bigfoot's brother, but I'll give the GC 1.05-P a try as a daily driver soon. Two passes, middle of the road blade. I have high hopes this approach will work out.

I much perfer the gamechanger 1.05 to the wolfman wr2 1.15, it so much smoother and comes close on effeciency. I can even shave daily with the GC 1.05 ..
Same. But the 1.05 really shaves nice. Definitely gentler than the Lupo 1.27 but perhaps just as efficient.

Initial impressions:

I always find the Lupo series a little more efficient than the GC
In the GC I practically don't feel the blade, but they are excellent razors
Same. But the 1.05 really shaves nice. Definitely gentler than the Lupo 1.27 but perhaps just as efficient.

Initial impressions:

you're tempting me to take plate 1.05 😁
I'll put the list for the Black Friday
you're tempting me to take plate 1.05 😁
I'll put the list for the Black Friday
In case you happen to enjoy the level of blade feel you get from shaving with the Lupo 1.27 and if that's what you are looking for in a "satisfying razor", you likely won't have a similar experience with the GC 1.05-P.

But then again, since you happen to enjoy milder razors as well (Rocnel Elite brass, as an example) you might like this one, too.

It's all about what you are looking for in a razor. My experience with the Lupo 1.27 was that it was too much for me when it came to daily shaving. For me and my skin it worked well when two/three days worth of growth had to be tackled.
I much perfer the gamechanger 1.05 to the wolfman wr2 1.15, it so much smoother and comes close on effeciency. I can even shave daily with the GC 1.05 ..
That's quite a statement for this budget tool, and I'm not questioning your statement 😉
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