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FUTUR - Fabulous but Needs a Stand

Just tried my new Merkur FUTUR --- it is fantastic!!! Just fantastic! Why in the world I had to buy 34C before this one. The shave is not only better ---it's easier with FUTUR. I also would like to recommend the vendor: http://www.thesuperiorshave.com/. reasonable prices, good communication and advice, fast delivery.

The only problem I have with this razor is the need of a stand, because you can't put it down on a shelf like other DE razors. The ends are oval. I don't like
stands for razor and brush and would appreciate if you recommend a stand for FUTUR. Mine is with the shiny chrome finish.
I very much agree with you, the Futur is the best razor in the world (AFAIK:).
The Progress comes close though.

Adjustable razors are IMO far superior to any fixed razor. There are many variables to a good shave, the blade, coarseness of the beard, lenght of stubble etc. Only an adjustable can adapt to the individual shaving conditions and give the best possible shave with as few passes as possible and with the comfort wanted.

Btw. before I got my stand, I just put the razor down broadside on the safety bar. As long as you put the handle down first, the blade will never touch the surface.
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