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when my fred's brand tar shampoo ran out i decided to experiment.i went to a local beauty supply store and bought a bottle of frenchee concentrate tar shampoo.8 oz/237ml for $2.39.makes up to one gallon of shampoo the back label proclaims.i mixed it up in the old 12 oz tar shampoo bottle in the proportions for a gallon mix.it would hardly lather.so i added more concentrate to the bottle,i think this put the proportions up to 2/3 of a gallon.this mix was much better.this shampoo has the usual pine tar scent,and an odd characteristic i have seen ascribed to other shampoo's--the first application produces little lather and the second produces a nice head of lather.i can only assume the first application combines with the oil and dirt on the scalp/hair which would account for the lack of lather.i've been using this shampoo in my shower rotation for a month or so.a decent product, very economical. p.s.i think i will buy some coal tar/t-gel type shampoo and mix with it
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