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For the wet shave who has everything.

except taste: A fish razor


Even the fish looks embarrassed.
I do know some people I would like to give one of those to . . . . but . . . it's a fish razor.


Needs milk and a bidet!
i'd love to own that! and use it! what blade does it use? hopefully it wouldn't filet my face.
I was at the local rummage store not too long ago and came across a dog dressed in a business suit and wearing a fedora with the razor attached at the foot. It looked similar to your fish so they were probably made by the same company. No I did not buy it and I bet it is still there if anyone wants it :lol:
I was at the local rummage store not too long ago and came across a dog dressed in a business suit and wearing a fedora with the razor attached at the foot. ...:lol:

I love bulldog handles. What kind of dog was it? I could be in.
(Not really)
It could be worse, it could also sing Don't Worry Be Happy or Take Me To The River like those singing fish decorations of some years back.
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