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For Brits

Has anyone recently bought either Palmolive or Ingrams cream lately? A few months back I saw both on sale in Superdrug and Palmolive in Morrisons (the only brick and mortar places I've seen them). I was thus secure in the knowledge I had a readily available supply of inexpensive, decent shaving cream.

But in the last week I can't find either! They don't appear to be listed on the company's websites either. So have they given up supplying the stuff entirely (I can guess lack of demand was the reason) or is it just my part of the country (Fife, east Scotland)?
Loads here in taffyland as well, boots, tesco, asda etc and my local chemists seem to only stock palmolive and ingrams.
Plenty of Palmolive cream in my local Tesco. Superdrug has lots too. Asda has intermittent sightings. Only place I've seen Ingram's is in Lloyd's pharmacies.
Morrisons is the cheapest source of Palmolive (£1).

John Lewis has Ingram for about £1.70 I think.
Here are the results from Kent
Morrisons -palmolive cream
superdrug -palmolive cream + ingrams
tesco- palmolive cream
savers- palmolive cream + erasmic cream
john lewis-ingrams
so plenty about down here on the sunshine south east coast:thumbup1:
Hi there

Plenty of palmolive in Tesco, Dundee. Incidentally there's a great place on Whitehall Crescent - they sell large range of TOBS, Trumpers, Aran Aromatics. Great place
I suppose this is a good enough place to post this;

What about the Wilkinson Sword stick? Haven't seen that anywhere for ages.
Lincolnshire reports loads of stock of both. Do you need some sending up North my friend? :001_unsur

I may yet! Good to see there's still supplies elsewhere. I should check out a few chemists round here. As nice as the TOBS and other stuff is, I like having a tube costing only a couple of quid - and no postage - since there's no tears if it goes AWOL while travelling or otherwise is rendered unusable (I can't be the only guy who's dropped a shaving item in the toilet). I've seen both Ingrams and Palmolive in the Online Store That Must Not Be Mentioned but they're much more expensive even before postage.
Well, all is well with the world. Was in Morrisons the other day and the Palmolive cream was restocked. I guess it wasn't a priority when they were stacking the shelves. Picked up a couple of tubes for all of £1.29 each. I tell myself it doesn't count as an AD if you buy cheap stuff from the supermarket.
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