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For any old U.S.ARMY guys,new uniform.

In case you haven't heard or noticed on TV. The Army has a new "Class A" uniform.
It's called the ASU (Army Service Uniform) We called them "Dress Blues"
All Army personnel will change from the green "Class A" to the ASU by 2014.
Just thought some might like to know.........:tank:
I always hated the Class As, they looked cheap and dated to me, kinda like the old PT uniforms (pre 2002 iirc.) Dress blues are so much nicer. With that being said, I guess they have to revisit AR 670-1 yet again, lol.
Not bad, but I was hoping they'd bring back the old WWII era pinks and greens.

+1 No kidding--that's a fine looking uniform. These aren't bad, I guess. At least the geniuses that did the Navy cammies weren't involved. That one struck me as very strange.
George Washington was asked by the Continental Congress to design the Army uniform. He chose blue because he said it was
the national color of America. His old regiment was the "Virginia Blues" and may have swayed his judgement.The U.S.Army
wore Blue longer than any other color thru history. It's just going back to the original colors. I served in the 7th Calvary,
so I think the Calvary units will be happy....the Stetsons and spurs will look better on blue uniforms.
Just want to make sure I am looking at the right thing. Is this it?

OK, my last comment. What' s with the hideous covers for the women? For the most part (since Vietnam anyway) military designers have insisted on creating relentlessly ugly headgear for women to wear. Like weird hybrids of riding helmets and Robin Hood cosplay stuff. I know that ladies have more hair than the gents (in the Marines anyway), but would it kill the Pentagon to hire a designer rather than knock something out according to mil-spec? Those things must be poison to recruiting.
I was never fond of the Class-A , I guess the Blues would look pretty good. When it comes to dress uniform designs though (Women's hats come to mind), we are talking about the same people who chose the style for the BCG's (Birth Control Glasses) I am assuming?
That's it...The original dress blues had pants to match the coat. A lighter blue as seen in the photo was "optional".
The light blue looked more like the old "calvary light blue" which was dark blue when issued but faded to a lighter color
from being worn everyday without the top coat. I had both Dark pants (worn as dress uniform) and light blue worn in less
formal dress occasions. The Army Officers Corps also has a Dress Mess uniform...More like a Tux with a vest, in white.
In the picture, you can tell that the man in the middle is an Infantry Officer by the light blue band between the gold bands on his hat.
Artillery is red, Armor yellow,Signal orange,Medical maroon.....and I can't remember all the others, but you get the idea.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
In case you haven't heard or noticed on TV. The Army has a new "Class A" uniform.
It's called the ASU (Army Service Uniform) We called them "Dress Blues"
All Army personnel will change from the green "Class A" to the ASU by 2014.
Just thought some might like to know.........:tank:
I still have my Class A, Dress Blue and Dress Mess uniforms.


Now half as wise
There was a Captain wearing the one second from the right, attending the ceremony when my son got his wings. Very good looking uniform.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
The image of the US Army history in the public eye is so tied in with WWII and the olive green uniforms, that we sometimes forget the blue of centuries past.

Blues are for the Navy and Airforce....:cursing:

Nice Air Force uniforms

In Canada, we traditionally had separate uniforms for Army, Navy and Air Force (khaki, navy blue and RAF blue, respectively.)

Then, some bright spark in Ottawa thought that we'd save a few pennies if we went to one forces-wide uniform. (They actually unified the forces back in 1968 ... long story ... the uniforms is just the tip of the iceberg ...) So, rifle green it was.

For everyone.

Roundly detested by sailors and airmen ... well, eventually (rather recently, IIRC) they actually changed again to three colours ... back to navy and RAF for the Navy and RCAF ... IIRC the army is still rifle green (which didn't help much in Afghanistan, but that's another "another story".)
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