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Foods That You Despise

I despise paninis and refuse to eat them. I will eat one panino, or two or more panini. I will not eat one panini or two or more paninis. I simply cannot.

I can't abide sandwicheses either. Or a single sandwiches. Ugh!
There are two things in this world that I cannot eat only because I don't like the taste.
1. Brown Rice. I just can't eat the stuff. I have tried over the years but I just can't do it.
2. Real Mayonnaise. Can't do that one either.

There may be others, but those two stick out in my mind.

I don't think I need to explain why.

We eat them at the ranch all the time.
Wash well and then fry in lard or cook until crisp on the grill

I tried menudo for the first time a couple weeks ago, I really liked it and would definitely get it again. There wasn't really anything funk about the tripe other than the texture. It had a good fatty beef flavor and seemed to take on some of the flavor of the broth and spices. I thought the flavor was similar to cow tongue (which I love), but not as intense.


"A Boy Named Sue"
We eat them at the ranch all the time.
Wash well and then fry in lard or cook until crisp on the grill

Yep, Me and a friend of mine use to cook them all the time. He showed me how. He cleaned them thoroughly in water then used a garden hose to clean out the inside. He would cut them, boil then fry. Best taco in New Braunfels, Texas other than carne guisada.
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We eat them at the ranch all the time.
Wash well and then fry in lard or cook until crisp on the grill
I think that might work. My main complaint about tripe is that awful texture, but if it were fried and crispy that would remove that objection.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
I think that might work. My main complaint about tripe is that awful texture, but if it were fried and crispy that would remove that objection.

More importantly: Everything tastes better at the ranch!
Mayo.... Don't like the stuff
Swiss Cheese... It tastes spoiled to me
Blue Cheese... Tastes like Mentholated Chalk
Candied Yams... Too Darned sweet.
Over-Boiled Carrots or Celery... Just cannot swallow the stuff
Boiled Corn on the Cob... Tasteless waste of good corn... The corn should be wrapped in foil and roasted in the oven or cooked on the grill. Then the eater butters and salts it to their preference.

Strawberry Shake... It's pink... and it is usually made with artificial strawberry flavor which is only slightly better than artificial banana flavoring.

Did I mention artificial banana flavor? That stuff is vile.

Artificial watermelon flavor... just as vile as fake banana
I'm surprised this one hasn't made it to the list yet--I can't be the only person who hates it: egg salad--the texture, the smell, and then the taste if it's got mayonaise or, the horrors, Miracle Whip in it. And, just for good measure, I'll add Miracle Whip as something else I just can't stand.
Borscht and Schav. Google 'em if you don't know what they are.

As a kid, I used to look on in horror as my father would gleefully gobble these down. I tried 'em once or twice but never developed the same appreciation for these East European delicacies that he had.

I'm with you on beet borscht (and I love beets), but a nice bowl of cabbage borscht is divine.
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