So I went on one of my razor quests today. I spot this box behind the door frame of a small cabinet. I pick it up and read the tag. It says, "Antique Gillette Bostonian". That sounds interesting, but I don't think the box is correct for that description. I figure it is the standard "Tech in the wrong box" trick.

I open the box and gasp.....
Is that what I think it is?
Yes sir, it's the elusive Double Ring. #55949 to be precise.

The box is not in good shape. The hinges are missing. There is only the one blade bank. It is full of original three hole blades.
The razor itself appears to be in very good condition. The barrel is completely intact and all the teeth are present and straight as can be. There is some thin plating on the head, but what can one expect for a 1905 vintage razor?

I cannot believe my good fortune on today's quest. I will post some more pictures once I clean the razor up a bit.

I open the box and gasp.....

Yes sir, it's the elusive Double Ring. #55949 to be precise.

The box is not in good shape. The hinges are missing. There is only the one blade bank. It is full of original three hole blades.
The razor itself appears to be in very good condition. The barrel is completely intact and all the teeth are present and straight as can be. There is some thin plating on the head, but what can one expect for a 1905 vintage razor?

I cannot believe my good fortune on today's quest. I will post some more pictures once I clean the razor up a bit.