So on this wonderful night I decided to take my first shot at honing. I prepared my new king 1k stone, filled up my spray bottle with water and went for it. I first ran my blade on glass to dull it so I would know that and sharpness in the edge was purely from me honing. Moving on, I started with circles down the stone for a few sets, then proceeded to do x strokes. My test was cutting arm hair. I never got there? Eventually I was able to cut some arm hair but it took a couple of strokes. It wasn't happening with ease. Now, this blade is kind of warped but it's very slight. I did some x strokes leading with the tip and vice versa. I'm tried all different kinds of pressure but it just wasn't getting there. What in the heck could I be doing wrong? I thought bevel setting would have been easy and the coticule would be the one giving me trouble. I didn't even make it to the coti yet. I don't want to move on until I know the bevel is right. Tips? Guidance?