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First straights and honing/restoring question

Having been shaving with a Rolls for the last month, and a few saying it was just like a straight on a stick, (I did use it without the bar in place no problem.)
I thought I'd try a cheap shavette type thing.
Well - back to the rolls while my face heals :angry: (will try again though as the bits in between the cuts were good)
Feeling a little deflated I started browsing e**y. RAD fully set in and this lot arrived yesterday. :biggrin1:

Top - obviously 1912 Ever ready SE
Next - John Clarke & Sons Shef N.E.V.A field - made and ground in sheffield england
Bottom - KROPP - made and ground in sheffield.eng.

I took the scales from the Kropp first as they will be replaced, some PO kindly scratched there name on the other side ?!

To my question:
I've started by hand sanding 800/1000/1200 dry so far and left a few marks. I don't want to do much more as it's already only .010"
thick in the middle (Bellied hollow).
With the stabiliser being higher than the flank of the spine, should I be bringing this down level to the wear on the spine or leave alone.
My other thought was to use enough tape when honing to bring up the level of just the spine so the stabiliser bit doesn't touch.
Any thoughts much appreciated.
You're not supposed to lay the stabilizer on the hone, I can see why you would ask that with the other straight being a shoulderless and not having that issue. Just hone away and try not to go past the stabilizer.
Thanks Mack,
I wasn't sure as it looked like it had been before making the bevel near the heel smaller.

PS realised about 2 seconds after posting the first part it was in the wrong forum - sorry
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