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First shave with Tradere open comb razor

Just got my Tradere open comb. As a huge fan of the R41, I've been very excited to try this open comb razor. I've been searching for a high end all stainless razor that can handle my steel wire beard. Well, I lathered up the last of one of my Mystic Water lemon/rose samples with my trusty semogue SOC. Loaded a fresh med prep (a middle of the road blade for me) performed 3 passes WTG, XTG, and diagonal XATG. Easy dfs some light buffing would have meant bbs but i felt a little irritation on my left neck area, so i let it rest. I was kinda awkward and fumbled with blade angle a bit (hence the irritation) but the razor performed flawlessly. Toward the end of the shave i got a good feel for this razor and i really like the heft and length. I can tell that this razor is a keeper. It doesn't seem to be quite as aggressive as the r41, but its plenty efficient for a tough course beard. I am looking forward to more shaves with the tradere and this is one razor i won't be selling to fund another razor, which is exactly what i did with my feather as d1. Heres a "glamor" shot of my new O.C. along with my favorite boar brush the SOC.
View attachment 251531http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/296917-Mystic-Water-Rose-Lemon-Testing-Thread
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Great Review glad you like it. Bet it gets better with every shave. Does it seem to take a steep or shallow angle? I didnt like the look of the handle when i first saw it but it has really grown on me with every pic i see very cool!! Nothing wrong with being a little smoother than the R41
I just got mine today as well. I was not crazy with the handle when I saw it in the pictures, but it feels very ergonomic in the hand and gives this razor a great balanced feel.
I didnt like the look of the handle when i first saw it but it has really grown on me with every pic i see very cool!!

The handle is actually very nicely designed. The knurling is very fine, but it doesn't lose any grip because the raised portions and the bell at the bottom are each right where my grip tends to land in the various grip positions. I'm loving it!
The handle is great! It seems to fit my hand perfectly. The flared tip helps with the grip for me. The weight of this razor is fantastic IMO. While not quite as aggressive as the R41 it is very smooth. I'm sure I will play with blade angle a bit more but my first shave told me a shallow angle suites this razor. Especially atg.
So i take it if i want one i better get my order in to bgoose cause your not gonna sell me yours Predict?:001_rolle
E-N-A-B-L-E-R-S!!! :lol:
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If you were looking for an argument against buying a new razor, you've come to precisely The Wrongest of Places!
The Tradere is the real deal. It is a quality product, an excellent design and a pleasure to use. It has become one of my top "go to" razors.
I'm really liking mine after two shaves. (Thanks to Phil for such quick shipping) It's my first open comb and I was a little nervous about that. After using it my fears were groundless. I think it compares pretty close to a Futur or Progress on 3, and it is certainly prettier. I like the handle although a little deeper knurling would not hurt my feelings. I kind of wish the head was a skoch lighter but Its fine the way it is. I tend to compare it to my Feather AS-D1 and I think it is close in appearance and way ahead in shave performance. YMMV.
I used it 2 days in a row (Friday and Saturday). I NEVER use the same razor 2 days in a row so this should tell you how I feel about it. In fact it is still in the shave den today becausse I may use it again tomorrow. No razor spends time in the shave den, it is always shave, then out it goes. Not this one. The last razor that spent time in the drawer was my BRW custom R41 which stayed in there for a few weeks before leaving.
I just have to echo the others- a shallow angle works best; I have "more than a few" vintage razors, but the Tradere is the one that gets pulled for both missed-a-shave and need-a-repeat-of-yesterday's-DFS. Barbasol, De Haven(with a PermaSharp), and Wilkinson Sowrd Strong Beard are the only close classics.
You guys sure are making me feel confident in my decision to order one!!! Cant wait till it gets here!! :w00t:
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