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First Shave Report: The Vibrator for Men

Curiosity got the best of me and I purchased a Stahly Live Blade. I found it on the bay for a reasonable price, and I figured I could give it a go.


For those unaware, the Stahly Live Blade is a DE that vibrates. Around 1942 the company made an AC plug in version, but I guess they figured this was a bad idea, and eventually made a wind up version.

The Setup:
On Monday I lathered up and gave it a try. I used the lavendar scented Art of Shaving setup with a pure badger brush (I like the extra scritchiness).


The Experience:
The sound of the razor was a bit distracting and the handle is definitely cumbersome. The reason these weren't made by everyone can be summed up in those two gripes. The noise and vibration cancelled out any feedback from the razor, so finding the correct angle was pure guess work. It must be fairly intuitive because I wound up with shaved skin without any bleeding. The razor's head is incredibly slim and fits nicely under the nose. With a two pass shave it wasn't horribly close. The irritation was low, about a 3 (1 being not shaving, 10 being the time I tried a straight razor).

The Results:
Just shy of a DFS. I'll use it again, but it's more of a novelty item than a daily shaver.

The Razor Porn:



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That is very cool! I can see it being a pure novelty item, but nice that you got an OK shave out of the thing. Thanks for sharing!
I too have a Stahly razor and enjoy it. The cumbersomeness and the weight of the large handle is tiring to my hand, and that is the only negative I have on the razor. Remember too that the Stahly razor also gives an oustanding and smooth shave without winding up the vibrator. Just ignore the vibrator and use the razor like a conventional razor. I use a Feather blade as I consider the razor to be a tad mild. The Stahly vibrating razor is a keeper.
I say that must serioulsy be one of the most out of the oddest razors around. The desingers must have a heck of a job to make this creature rattling.
I too have a Stahly razor and enjoy it. The cumbersomeness and the weight of the large handle is tiring to my hand, and that is the only negative I have on the razor. Remember too that the Stahly razor also gives an oustanding and smooth shave without winding up the vibrator. Just ignore the vibrator and use the razor like a conventional razor. I use a Feather blade as I consider the razor to be a tad mild. The Stahly vibrating razor is a keeper.
I use mine with hte Atlas handle....works great.
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