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First Shark Shave: That's a Moray

Well, more like amore. :001_wub:

The Egyptian Sharks I got from Stubblefield arrived, and lo and behold, I needed to shave again today! How convenient is that?

Nice shave in my trusty 40's SS. Three passes WTG ATG XTG on face and jawline, two WTG on neck. Still checking the smooth out a couple hours later (it's not faceturbating if the wife helps). No nicks. The Florida Water burned, but no more than usual, and the neck feels pretty darn good now.

Will have to put more mileage on these for a full review, but first impression is quite good.

Gotta love the packaging.

Have some Bluebirds on the way, so this might be animal blade month.
Shark Blades are great DE Shaver.Also im using them daily .. i like to see people around like them...

Healthy shave with them.. Enjoy.
Had to come home early from work to take care of a sick kid...what do I find on the porch but a package, and in the package some CO Bigelow Bay Rum AS balm!

I did what any reasonable dad would do...I let the kid play video games while I went for Sharkshave #2!

My prep was pretty slapdash, but facelathering with VDH Deluxe gave the Shark a good surface to glide around on. I was expecting trouble, because this second shave was hours earlier than my usual rest between shaves, but hey, I had new stuff!

Result...Shark Shave the second was an irritation free event, a nick by the corner of the mouth that was so small the blood was ashamed to come out, and was chased away by a cold water splash.

The balm went on with no bite at all, and now I had a fresh, noontime shave that smelled like Christmas cookies. I also had a pukey kid, but no matter.

So far, so good.
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The vendor I got my sampler from says Sharks are very popular among barbers in the Middle East. So I guess it's no surprise that they're smooth. They're 4th on my list to try (after the 7 o'clock lineup).
Our very own Melyus (www.melyus.com above) sells 100 Sharks for $15 delivered CONUS. He is extremely reliable and a true gentleman. A very good blade for the money. Why not support one of our own?

Melyus is the source for the blades I'm using, and the Sharks I have are marked Super Stainless, and come in a cardboard five pack.

The Ebay Sharks, in the pictures at least, are Super Chrome, and have a slightly different logo, and the 5 pack seems to have a plastic frame ala the Dorco ST-301, the blade of my last 100 pack.

I'm liking the Shark Super Stainless quite a lot. I will never be in the "Dorcos are worse than an old bread knife that got put in the disposal and then painted with a can of Dull" since I got perfectly fine shaves with them. I do find the Shark is sharper, smoother and more durable.

The Dorco ST-301 is available for 3.1 cents a shave, figuring I chuck em after three shaves...I paid more, but I see them on Ebay for $9.30 a hundred shipped. The Shark might well work out to about 2.5 cents a shave, or if I stop at five shaves per blade it's still a tad cheaper at three cents a shave. Thus, I get to be a tightwad and have a very nice blade with a shark picture on the wrapper.

Not bad.
No degree of excellent shaving can make up a pukey kid.

I hate that worse than anything in the world.

But congrats on a smooth shave, anyway.
I'm still lost as to what sharks have to do with eels :blink:.

That's what a moray does to a man! Leaves him all confused. :laugh:

The OP made a truly a horrible pun. For which I tip my hat to him.

A Moray = amore = love

when you're diving at night, and your feet feel the bite,
that's a moray
when your hand's in the cave, suddenly you'll need saved,
that's a moray
when you blubber and scream, but you have a bad dream
that's amore
when he hits all your fingers, with teeth that are stingers,
a moray...

that's a moray that's a moray

little fella

when he bites on your thumb, takes a chunk of your bum,
that's a moray
when you reach in his cave, he's all bravo and brave
he's a moray

and it's not how it feels, and you know you have eels,
that's a moray....
scuzza me, but you see, let them be, or you'll see
lotsa morays.......
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