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First Rocket HD...but it's broken :-((

This is very disappointing, I bought what was supposed to be a perfect working order Rocket HD. It just arrived and I opened the package with exitement, all clean and shiny, then I opened the doors and the entire mechanism opened up way above the baseplate and they get stuck open :mad3:
It's like the TTO has extra travel and the doors come up past the head/bars so far they pop out of the top like it was coming apart (it doesn't) and then you can close them. I didn't think it would be possible to bend the bars down that far but obviously it is, the pics either cleverly didn't show that or they didn't realise ??

I have requested a return but it's so disappointing I had to share:sad::sad:
You should be able to bend the tabs holding the top on with a nail punch and some gentle taps of a mallet. I bought a #21 Aristocrat that had a similar problem but the holding tabs were snapped off and the top came right off.
Us Aussies don't seem to be having much luck this month with Brits of the Dabay are we ?? :bored:

I've just been playing with one of my Rocket HDs and I can't even see how your razors doing what it's doing !! :tongue_sm

But of course John to the rescue again. :thumbup1:
Yeah I thought about doing that and I would try if it only cost $10 or something, but it didn't. It's so far out that I don't think you could ever get the exposure right. If they refund 80% of the price and let me keep it then sure, I'll try it :)
Yeah I thought about doing that and I would try if it only cost $10 or something, but it didn't. It's so far out that I don't think you could ever get the exposure right. If they refund 80% of the price and let me keep it then sure, I'll try it :)

I'm sure I saw someone with one for sale on GSL......... ( better go bump my FS post ) :lol:
Us Aussies don't seem to be having much luck this months with Brits are we ?? :bored:

I've just been playing with one of my Rocket HDs and I can't even see how your razors doing what it's doing !! :tongue_sm

I know I can't figure how it's so bent and on both sides the same! I mean even dropping it could not possibly make it that bad along the entire bar?

When yours is fully open is the knob hard up against the handle? this one still has a gap but also seems just to wind up too far. I'm assuming that the doors when open should be at ~90deg to the base but you can see that these go way past that so that you can then close the doors.

I'm seriously about ready to give up buying stuff, everything seems to have got too expensive and this is the 4th thats dodgy :thumbdown
$15 maybe then OK you take that but not $50 when it's described as "Perfect and In Excellent condition"
Us Aussies don't seem to be having much luck this months with Brits are we ?? :bored:

I've just been playing with one of my Rocket HDs and I can't even see how your razors doing what it's doing !! :tongue_sm

But of course John to the rescue again. :thumbup1:

There are little holding tabs that wrap around under the blade plate to keep the silo doors and their frame from winding all the way off.

Here's what they look like on a UK Aristocrat

I know I can't figure how it's so bent and on both sides the same! I mean even dropping it could not possibly make it that bad along the entire bar?

When yours is fully open is the knob hard up against the handle? this one still has a gap but also seems just to wind up too far. I'm assuming that the doors when open should be at ~90deg to the base but you can see that these go way past that so that you can then close the doors.

I'm seriously about ready to give up buying stuff, everything seems to have got too expensive and this is the 4th thats dodgy :thumbdown
$15 maybe then OK you take that but not $50 when it's described as "Perfect and In Excellent condition"

There's still a "gap" about the the width of the grooves on the TTO know, so it looks like you've got 3 grooves not 2 .

Correct, fully open doors are 90 deg to the base.

Sorry can't post photos as kids have stuffed my external SD card reader and my camera cable's at work !! :angry:

Ahh, you see buy of BST/GSL and you pretty much know what you're getting. Worth it for peace of mind..... ( bumps FS post again ) :biggrin1:
Actually I see also now the base plate 'rocks' on the rivet point to the handle so the whole thing is a dud. Even if I could bend the bars back without breaking it still wouldn't be right. Cross that one off the list :)
Out of the way he says :bumping his own post: :lol:

I didn't see that one...thinking.....see what happens with the return.

I couldn't justify $70+ for one which was they are going for on BST so this one seemed (hah) a good deal at the time. I'll get back to you on that one if it's still there later. Thanks for the notice.:thumbup1:
There's still a "gap" about the the width of the grooves on the TTO know, so it looks like you've got 3 grooves not 2 .

Correct, fully open doors are 90 deg to the base.

Sorry can't post photos as kids have stuffed my external SD card reader and my camera cable's at work !! :angry:

Ahh, you see buy of BST/GSL and you pretty much know what you're getting. Worth it for peace of mind..... ( bumps FS post again ) :biggrin1:



But you have a swag of cameras under the desk :tongue_sm

What post, I don't see any you have FS??
You are correct good sir but I have to sell a car before I buy a camera, thats my deal to myself.
Old Bluebird going cheap, 66,500km, auto, belonged to my Grandma since new, inside is immaculate, almost no rust outside so that makes it EXTREMELY RARE..comes with free razor :)
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