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First Injector shave... WOW!

I picked up a Schick injector Paul Revere on a whim off ebay basically because I thought it looked awesome!
After I'd managed to locate some blades for it I decided to give it a whirl last night and I had possibly my best shave ever!
It was certainly the easiest shave I'd ever had since changing to traditional shaving, well I'm a convert to the injector.
Why aren't these things legendary?

So any others to look for in particular?

Regards Grant
I think they don't get a lot of love for a couple of reasons. First, most of them have plastic handles and have a "cheaper" appearance. They don't have the sleek, all-metal, built to last look of the Gillette DEs. On top of that, a lot of folks are turned off by the injector blades themselves. Maybe they can't find them, or don't want to bother ordering them if they don't have them locally. All around, they just aren't as 'sexy' as a DE or a GEM SE. But, they do provide some of the easiest shaves as you have found out. Well worth it, once you give it a try. I think it is rare that someone uses one and doesn't fall in love with it.
Finding blades is my issue, sure I can get them online and I suppose that is what I will have to turn too, but it would be nice to have a store close by that stocked them. I hear they can be found at Walgreens but that is close to an hour away from me.
it is true I am not overwhelmed by the looks of mine, it is gold plated with a trusty Bakelite handle, but I am not overly concerned about that, me and the mrs are about the only people that will look at, so no big deal there.
really going to have to find some blades for mine and give it a workout.
Oh and I hear good things about the hydro matic ones, I am on the hunt for an inexpensive adjustable.
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