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First Injector Shave. Meh

I had my first go with a type E injector with a Schick branded blade from a brand new package. My prep was perfect and as far as I can tell, my technique was correct. However, I must say that I did not get as good results as I do with my Futur (or any other DE) loaded with a Feather. In fact, after three passes (WTG, XTG, ATG), all I got was a DFS where I typically achieve BBS with no problems. Is this a limitation of the blades, the razor, or am I missing something here? The razor is in NOS condition so I'm not using a bad razor. Any advice for me before I go back to my tried & true combos?

These Schicks aren't known as the most aggressive of the single edge razors. I use mine for when I'm in a hurry and want a "decent" shave without any nicks or cuts since they are such smooth shavers. If you want a single edge razor that can give you a BBS shave, you might be better off getting an open-comb Micromatic or even just a 1912 variety of SE razors with Walgreen's GEM Personna blades.
Thanks. I have both an OCMM and a 1912. You're right about them being more aggressive than the Injector. Don't get me wrong. It wasn't a *bad* shave. It just wasn't up to my typical standards. Then again, I can see your point about being rushed and wanting something quick & dirty with one. I'll probably hang onto it for eye candy and just break it out once in a while for the heck of it.
If you want to try an aggressive SE, a OCMM or, better yet, a Streamline would work better for you.
These Schicks aren't known as the most aggressive of the single edge razors. I use mine for when I'm in a hurry and want a "decent" shave without any nicks or cuts since they are such smooth shavers. If you want a single edge razor that can give you a BBS shave...

Got to strongly disagree here. Injectors are fully capable of giving a BBS shave, and usually with far less fuss than a DE razor. The razor is not at fault here, there is quite obviously a technique issue at hand. Plenty of SE users on this sub-forum use Injector razors frequently, and get superb results.

Getting a BBS shave is not tied into the aggressiveness of the razor.

To the O.P.: what angle were you using with the Injector? The head of the razor should be used nearly flat against the face. Perhaps a few degrees above flat, but certainly nothing close to the 30 degrees recommended for a DE razor.
all I got was a DFS where I typically achieve BBS with no problems. Any advice for me before I go back to my tried & true combos?

I don't think it's realistic to expect to get a BBS shave on the first shave with a new razor, as such I think you should give the razor more than one shave before giving up on it.
Perhaps you're right and the angle was a tad off. I'll try it again with a flatter angle and see how it goes. I will say that the Schick blades don't feel as sharp as my Feathers do though. Are there any injector blades out there that are Feather sharp?
Are there any injector blades out there that are Feather sharp?

No, although I never felt it really mattered. The blades I have used were plenty sharp enough, and provided for an irritation free shave.

Injector blades are generally limited to two choices: the actual Schick Injector blades (currently made I believe in China), or the blades meant for lab use (made by Personna) that are sold in bulk by places like Ted Pella, and EMS. The Ted Pella blades are also sold by a few of our vendors, such as Razor Blades and More.

You might on occasion still find some store branded blades (also made by Personna), or you could cruise Ebay for vintage blades.
The best blades, IMO, are the Persona 74 NOS blades. You can find them on the Bay or even Amazon. Next is the NOS Schick Plus Platinum blades. These are worth the hunt. The new blades are "OK" but the old school ones rule.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Injectors are terrific for the first pass, where they will effortlessly wipe away the gnarliest mess of a beard. Their specialty is not, however, ultimate closeness. Subsequent passes will get better results from a DE.
Injectors are terrific for the first pass, where they will effortlessly wipe away the gnarliest mess of a beard. Their specialty is not, however, ultimate closeness. Subsequent passes will get better results from a DE.

I have to disagree with you on this Ouch, I get much better close 3-4 pass shaves with an injector than I do a DE. I think it is more the individual's beard, YMMV.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I have to disagree with you on this Ouch, I get much better close 3-4 pass shaves with an injector than I do a DE. I think it is more the individual's beard, YMMV.

Hey, are you going to listen to some guy named Jay? :biggrin1:

That's why there's chocolate and vanilla.

All I know is that I can get a good, effortless shave from an injector with a Pella.
Hey, are you going to listen to some guy named Jay? :biggrin1:

That's why there's chocolate and vanilla.

All I know is that I can get a good, effortless shave from an injector with a Pella.

not if I can help it and I can't. I gots to listen!


I have a collection of about 40 safety razors, new and vintage, DE and SE.

I believe there is no finer razor overall than the Schick Injector. I have the following models: E, G, I, J, L, and the adjustable M. My favorite is the G.

However, I cannot get a close and comfortable shave with the E, no matter how I experiment. I even bought a second E in case I had a bad razor.

I would recommend trying a different model, perhaps a G or an I.

BTW I use the made-in-China Schick Injector blades, and I am an old guy with a moderately tought beard.

Good luck. Experimentation with different models will be worth it.
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