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first homemade brush done with TGN knot!

So I had already posted about getting the knots in the mail earlier this week, so here is the I'm done thread. The knot is the 24mm boar knot. This thing is stiff! The handle is shaped after the VDH handle more or less, minus the grooves. Wood is live oak stump from my back yard. It sat for 5 years before I even messed with it. then I resin impregnated it with MEK and acryloid B72 acrylic under vacuum for 7 days. This is why I went with the teak oil and wax finish. Not that worried about the water (within reason). For some reason in the pic it looks like a line going straight across the middle of the handle, as if I had not sanded out the previous grit. I assure you it is smooth and there are no lines from lack of finishing. I sanded the thing to 1000 and then rubbed the oil in with 0000 steel wool.

I have a 22mm overstuffed silvertip knot, but I am gonna wait for the right piece of wood to come along. I have a piece of black and white ebony, but I dunno if that is the ticket. I might do jade green G10. If it looks like crap I can always buy another knot and do it again. Next onthe list is a brush and razor holder. I got some ipe that should work nice. Then I can get that 1904 out of the bowl in the background!

Pretty sexy, and for some reason pics in my bathroom come out awesome.
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Very nice work. I am curious to hear how the TGN boar knots perform, and what the break in period is like.
I used loctite marine epoxy. The stuff is gray so I had to be careful with any excess around the top or it would show. I will never use 5 min epoxy cause the stuff is so brittle from curing so fast. I think on the next one I am gonna use gorilla glue cause the stuff is truly amazing when bonding wood to anything. Of course then I have to worry bout the foaming but a little goes a long way.

Break in? I am willing to bet it is gonna take time, this thing is pretty stout like a paintbrush!

Seems Photobucket is acting up, I can't even look at my own pics in my album. Hopefully they fix it soon.
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First lather, brush did take on water decently, lost maybe a half dozen hairs lathering. LOTS of backbone, the tips not too harsh. VERY exfoliating brush. Soaps are no match for this knot! Can't wait till the smell goes away and the ends split.
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