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First go at col. Conk

I have had a couple of col. conk soaps waiting to be used for a while, tonight I stepped up and went for the amber one. At first I messed up a bit with the water and added far to much. After some adjustment and a lot of lathering up, I still had a lather just a tad to moist. Full of bravery I went ahead.
That lather felt just G R E A T. It gave a nice cushion both for stright and DS ( I use both ) And the way my skin felt after... Really good. The glycerine really does a good job.
Didnt care much for the scent though. But the feeling....... I love it.
Scent rivals blades for the amount of "YMMV" so that's totally an individual thing. I actually like my Conk's Amber - granted, most stuff smells better, but it doesn't offend me :wink2:. It does lather reliably well and provide a good shave. I've seen a lot of people hate on it, but it's good stuff.
I have the lime, almond, bay rum, but the amber seemed to lather up the best for me, love that stuff!!
the amber is what I started with when I frist started wet saving and that is all I used for the frist 5 year.

I've had a hard time with my lather from Col Conk amber breaking down in my bobe scuttle as I shave no matter how much soap I loaded onto my brush. As a result I relegated the soap to the back of the shaviing cupboard.

However, recently I started using it to make a superlather with Headslick. I get the smell of the amber (which I like) and the menthol and slickness of Headslick. I've been getting great shaves from this combo and it's been the only way I've been able to use my Conk amber.

Glad you are having better luck with it than me. Enjoy!
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