So for a lark I decided to try my hand at casting a handle.
Made a mold of my vintage butterscotch in silicone, and then did two casts for the two tone.
Now just waiting for the knot to arrive from TGN.
The resin is Polylite 32032-00 for both parts, the black I just added some Tamiya acrylic paint.
No vacuum chamber , so it does show one or two small bubbles on the bottom.
Looks fantastic to me!! Can't find a flaw on it in this view. Is that a knot hole at the top? Hard to see. Did you cast that in there or hollow it out afterwards?
The photo is definitely the better angle, one micro bubble on the other side.
It was cast with the knot hole, I made a mold from the handle I restored here :
I'll post some flaw pics when I get home tonight.
That's really not too bad at all. I would imagine with trial and error that you could easily produce one without such flaws. Either way this one is still very impressive.