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First attempt at a resin cast handle

So for a lark I decided to try my hand at casting a handle.
Made a mold of my vintage butterscotch in silicone, and then did two casts for the two tone.
Now just waiting for the knot to arrive from TGN.

Thoughts, opinions flamage ?
The resin is Polylite 32032-00 for both parts, the black I just added some Tamiya acrylic paint.
No vacuum chamber , so it does show one or two small bubbles on the bottom.
Looks fantastic to me!! Can't find a flaw on it in this view. Is that a knot hole at the top? Hard to see. Did you cast that in there or hollow it out afterwards?
That's really not too bad at all. I would imagine with trial and error that you could easily produce one without such flaws. Either way this one is still very impressive.
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