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First Air Trip - Clue Me In On Rules

Okay chaps, the tickets are bought and the flight leaves Friday. I need a few helpers to set me right about what to take, and not take on the plane.

Checked baggage; Delta flight non-stop from K.C. to Utah. I cannot find how much the checked baggage charge is. My wife paid I think $25 for one large case. She paid ahead of time and it worked nice.

What can be in that checked bag? I wanted to send my Feathers to her hotel ahead of time but that is out. Can I carry DEs in a checked bag?

Carry on; Once again I find myself confused about toiletries. Sizes? A/S splashes? I have seen things like 1.5oz bottles mentioned. Does everything need to be in clear packaging? I wanted to get a pill bottle from pharmacy and use that for my brush but will it draw any ire for being in one of those orange bottles? The razor will be in this bag but I won't attempt the blades. Is a DE okay with no blade in it? Soap dish or stick? Does it need to be tiny? I don't know how to transport a soap in something small? Suggestions? I don't want crappy lathers on holiday.

Any other last minute things I should be concerned about pre-flight? Thanks.

Cheers, Todd
You can take your DE razors on the plane with you if you want. You can even check the blades--but don't even try to get through security with them. If you have a 3 - piece razor, you'd be best to break it down so that it doesn't look like a razor and they don't have to search your bag. I took soap (arko) mashed into a used pomade container that screws on tight. It was wide enough to get a good lather with a omega travel brush. A stick would be fine too. Soap doesn't need to be tiny--it's not a liquid...No idea about a cream though.

For aftershave, I found these energy shots that came in brown glass bottles with screw caps that were 2.5oz I think. I just finished the energy shots and then washed out the bottles. They were a little big for my 5-day trip, but whatever.

I doubt the TSA will care about a pill container for your brush or the color of your A/S splash bottles.

EDIT: you can pack all your shave gear in the checked bag, however I would not recommend packing large size aftershave bottles in there.
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B&B membership has its percs
DEs on the plane are fine, I've never been questioned, admittedly not a constant traveler but according to TSA they are ok in carry-on, which is where I'd take anything that couldn't be easily replaced. Blades have to go in checked baggage, not allowed to carry-on

I take a shave stick (not liquid so that stays in the kit), brush, styptic (in case I get overly excited in a foreign land), cream needs to go in the quart baggy and be less than 3 oz. Same for Witch Hazel & aftershave, all your liquids & creams for carry-on need to fit in one quart ziploc style bag. So toothpaste, mouthwash, shampoo, rinse etc

And, duh, we are assuming you are flying in the USA with TSA rules? Otherwise, nevermind my response
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They seem to have the baggage under control, now for what to wear on the plane. Art of Manliness has an article about flying... I put it up as complete bunk, because dressing in class on a plane is how people get blood clots in their legs. Dress for the weather and for comfort. Loose pants and shoes are your best bet. You don't want a lot of stuff in your pockets, just a pain to take out and put back in at the xray machine, I keep all my change and keys in a ziplock bag. Then I just have to put the bag, cell, and wallet in my hat for easy collection. You may or may not have to take off your shoes it seems to depend on the individual that is handling you. Now here is the big deal for the US, if you don't want to go into the "let me hold up my arms while you look at me naked through my clothes" machine you have the right for a check in a separate room.... what else am I missing, no open drink containers are allowed through... but most places will let you bring an empty water bottle have have fountains inside. Some airlines will take away any food items you have with nuts... its best not to argue with the flight attendant about how your phone being on in airplane mode isn't going to do anything to the instruments in the cockpit. Manners dictate that the person sitting in the centre seat gets dibs on both armrests, the people sitting to the left get the left the people sitting on the right get the right... if it is just two people and you are travelling with your wife, she gets both armrests, again best just to not argue.
I find the TSA routine to be a huge PIA, so I try to streamline my experience as much as possible. I always check all of my toiletries, that way I can bring whatever I want without messing around with travel sized containers and ziploc bags and all of that. I'm ready to go through the scanning machines well before my turn, with all metal and electronics in my carry-on ahead of time, and my laptop out and ready to get put in the bin. I also usually wear slip-on shoes to speed up that part of it. Carrying only the bare essentials on-board really makes life a lot easier for everyone involved, although I do usually carry a clean pair of socks and underwear in my carry-on just in case.
Yes guys, USA. So TSA definitely applies. I was unsure about the toiletry items since I have never flown before. I would imagine there is a joke there somewhere but I just want to get it right. I really, really do not want to be the stooge in the line who holds everybody up because of a search induced by ignorance. So from what I am reading here, one of my Anchor Hocking glass bowls with snap on plastic lid filled with Mystic Water soap would be okay in carry on? The DE razor as well? Definitely sans blades. They will be in the checked bag. I don't know about A/S. I really do not want to deal with any issues or even leakage. Surely there is someplace in Salt Lake(1.5 million or so residents in the greater area I think) that would have something passable. Heck, if there is a AOS store I can make do with one of their travel sized a/s gels or some of their samples.

The other thing I am unsure of is the electronics. I have a small leather camera case(nice vintage chestnut colour from the 1960s/early 70s. real retro) I can keep my camcorder, chargers, cables, and even the Kindle Fire in it easily. It is not all that big. I may post a photo to get your opinions about what to do with it. Should it be inside the carry on bag or carried alongside it as a second carry on? As for the security check, I know you have to go through some line and they examine your bag but do the electronics have to be put into some special container for the inspectors? Thanks and sorry to be such a greenhorn.

Cheers, Todd


Needs milk and a bidet!
remember the 3-1-1 rule.

3.4 oz size limit, 1 clear quart sized zipper bag, 1 bag per person.

Here is a good tip..... The coffee on the plane really isn't that bad.
So from what I am reading here, one of my Anchor Hocking glass bowls with snap on plastic lid filled with Mystic Water soap would be okay in carry on? The DE razor as well? Definitely sans blades. They will be in the checked bag. I don't know about A/S. I really do not want to deal with any issues or even leakage. Surely there is someplace in Salt Lake(1.5 million or so residents in the greater area I think) that would have something passable. . . do the electronics have to be put into some special container for the inspectors?
Cheers, Todd

Laptops go in a bin by themselves, unless you have a TSA-approved sleeve or case. Your shoes and personal effects (and toiletries, if you really want to carry them on) go in another. I think it's fairly unusual for someone to keep a glass bowl filled with soap in their carry-on, so there's a good chance it might attract some attention. I can think of a lot of unsavory things that might resemble a bowl filled with soap. As I said previously, I avoid all of the hassle of plastic bags, bag checks and everything else by simply checking my toiletries, but to each their own.

You can find a fairly comprehensive description of what the TSA expects HERE.
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Okay, I am going with the checked baggage route for the shave kit. Too much hassle. I will probably keep the brush in carry on since it is not cheap and I am just about sure there isn't going to be a Da Vinci brush dealer in Salt Lake! There is no way I am hazarding my B&B Limited Editions on an air flight. Carry on or not. They are irreplaceable to me. And the Kindle will stay home. The lather case my wife bought when she gave it to me two Christmas' ago is about done. I was planning on putting it in the cool old leather camera bag along with...the camera. Sounds like this may not work out. So lets look at it like this; I have the leather camera bag and a carry on case. The camera bag should be separate from the carry on. Yes/no? If I am able to keep it inside the carry on, I will need to take it out and put it in an inspection bin. Yes/no? Or is this only for laptops and tablets? Does the camera bag go into the inspection bin with the camera or just the electronics? And do you chuck the chargers and cables into the bin as well? Again, sorry to sound so dumb about all this.

Cheers, Todd
I routinely keep cables and chargers, a digital camera, USB drives/SD Cards, iPod, iPad mini, iPhone, pens and a Moleskin, headphones, and solid-stick deodorant in my carry-on back pack without any issue. I have a TSA-approved clamshell bag which allows me to keep my laptop inside, but otherwise it would go in the bin. They really want to see laptops alone in one bin, and shoes (and toiletries and the other stuff described on the TSA site) in another. I can't imagine they'd have a problem with a shaving brush in your carry-on unless it had something unusual embedded in the handle.

Also, as a general traveling tip, it's not really recommended that you bring your most valuable or hard-to-replace possessions. I have a brush I bought specifically for traveling, and nothing in my normal travel kit would cause heartbreak if it was lost, as long as I got reimbursed by the airlines, which I probably would. I average about 80K air miles a year, much of it international, and over the past 13 years, I've had a lost bag probably 4 times. Each time the lost bag was delivered to my hotel the next day. Your milage may vary.
Thank you insOma. I was fairly certain that was the case from what I was reading here. So the Kindle may yet go but honestly, why futz with it on holiday? If you are traveling for business or other extended stay then yes, I would have every distraction I could carry on. My poor wife is on business for nearly two months right now and I am sure she will be worn thin by the time it is over.

Cheers, Todd
Now here is the big deal for the US, if you don't want to go into the "let me hold up my arms while you look at me naked through my clothes" machine you have the right for a check in a separate room....

Don't want to?? Heck, I insist they look at me naked in that machine. I normally do a slow seductive dance while in the machine. :001_smile
Don't want to?? Heck, I insist they look at me naked in that machine. I normally do a slow seductive dance while in the machine. :001_smile
See for me I'm the opposite, I would give them the sexy strip show... except the one time they wanted me to go through and my flight was about to board so I couldn't be cheeky.
Easy on-off footwear is a lifesaver for me. The obvious reason is that it makes security go that much quicker, but it's also really helpful for me during the flight. I'm a tall guy, and being able to easily slip off my shoes/sandals during the flight buys me a surprisingly decent amount of legroom. Something about losing the additional height the shoes' soles provide and making my feet easier to slide under the seat in front of me make an absolute world of difference.

I should add that this is only a tip to follow if you don't have foot odor problems. Gotta be courteous and such.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
They seem to have the baggage under control, now for what to wear on the plane. Art of Manliness has an article about flying... I put it up as complete bunk, because dressing in class on a plane is how people get blood clots in their legs. Dress for the weather and for comfort. Loose pants and shoes are your best bet. You don't want a lot of stuff in your pockets, just a pain to take out and put back in at the xray machine, I keep all my change and keys in a ziplock bag. Then I just have to put the bag, cell, and wallet in my hat for easy collection. You may or may not have to take off your shoes it seems to depend on the individual that is handling you. Now here is the big deal for the US, if you don't want to go into the "let me hold up my arms while you look at me naked through my clothes" machine you have the right for a check in a separate room.... what else am I missing, no open drink containers are allowed through... but most places will let you bring an empty water bottle have have fountains inside. Some airlines will take away any food items you have with nuts... its best not to argue with the flight attendant about how your phone being on in airplane mode isn't going to do anything to the instruments in the cockpit. Manners dictate that the person sitting in the centre seat gets dibs on both armrests, the people sitting to the left get the left the people sitting on the right get the right... if it is just two people and you are travelling with your wife, she gets both armrests, again best just to not argue.
Dressing classy for flights went out the window when they made airplane seating only mildly better than flying cattle cars.
Easy on-off footwear is a lifesaver for me. The obvious reason is that it makes security go that much quicker, but it's also really helpful for me during the flight. I'm a tall guy, and being able to easily slip off my shoes/sandals during the flight buys me a surprisingly decent amount of legroom. Something about losing the additional height the shoes' soles provide and making my feet easier to slide under the seat in front of me make an absolute world of difference.

I should add that this is only a tip to follow if you don't have foot odor problems. Gotta be courteous and such.

allow me a slight rant, with no offense to DiG3430. I know some people/ guys have a foot fetish. Not me. I have a foot aversion. Specifically, I don't like looking at most people's feet. Big, fat, swollen feet-yuck.
Did you see the picture of kim kardashian's feet wearing those tied up shoes? I wanted to vomit.

just because its hot outside and you can wear sandals, slides whatever doesn't mean you should.

Just because you don't think your feet smell doesn't mean they don't!

sorry for going off topic, OP.
allow me a slight rant, with no offense to DiG3430. I know some people/ guys have a foot fetish. Not me. I have a foot aversion. Specifically, I don't like looking at most people's feet. Big, fat, swollen feet-yuck.
Did you see the picture of kim kardashian's feet wearing those tied up shoes? I wanted to vomit.

just because its hot outside and you can wear sandals, slides whatever doesn't mean you should.

Just because you don't think your feet smell doesn't mean they don't!

sorry for going off topic, OP.

No offense taken. Everyone has something that grates on them. To me, the sound of chewing is worse than nails on a chalkboard, but I understand people need to chew to ... ya know ... not die.

I snapped this pic on a flight a couple years back with an old cell phone. Those are my knees digging into the seat in front of me. Yes, I was sitting as far back in my seat as possible, and no, the person in front of me was not reclined.


Taking my shoes off turns a flight from torture to bearable. But, of course, if anyone complains or asks me to put my shoes back on, I oblige. Flights are too close of quarters to start quarrels over inches of space.
Great answers, lads. I think I can manage it alright now but who knows? As long as it doesn't turn into Planes, Trains, and Automobiles(Due Date doesn't count. It's a rip off of the former) I will be fine.

Cheers, Todd
Dressing classy for flights went out the window when they made airplane seating only mildly better than flying cattle cars.
I call it the flying greyhound, because you deal with slightly less angry drunk people and screaming children.
Bring sinus decongestants with you. One hour before take off, take a dose. If you have any congestion issues you can find yourself in excruciating pain upon descent.
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