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Finding Allen Edmonds Shoes


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I'm in Albany, NY and just went to the only place in town that carries AE shoes. They only had about 20 pair in stock and not a single one in my size. They offered to order anything I'd like.

The next closest place seems to be Nordstrom's in Farmington, CT (two hours away). Does anyone know if this store has a generous supply in stock?

I can order them online - but I don't know which last is closest to my foot. Is there a way to determine this without trying on a big pile of shoes?

Many thanks.
I would highly recommend going to an AE store with a Master Fitter

Best fit size depends on the last.

I wear anywhere from a 9eee to an 11d depending on the last.

My strands took 8 different pairs to end up with the right fit.

i would only order online if I knew the exact size from a previous fitting
AE online has a thing where you can actually print of a scale. It gives you all the right dimensions to print off. And you can measure your foot and order online. Not as nice as trying a pair on, but it will allow you to get an accurate measurement on length and width.
Get fitted by an Allen Edmonds sales rep (master fitter).I'd recommend letting them order a few pairs...it doesn't mean you have to buy them. Once you know your exact size for a specific shoe you can look for deals online.
Nordstrom probably carries in store about 5-7 models of Allen-Edmonds at any any given time. I would keep an eye out for their annual summer sale, which usually includes two models of AE's (generally its Park Aves and another popular model like Strands). They go for $199.

I always believe that the best way to find the best shoe for you is to try them on.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Finding a store with a master fitter is my problem. It looks like I have to go to a larger city to find one. I'm going to Alexandria in August and Washington DC seems to have an actual Allen Edmonds store - so I may have to wait a few months.
Best fit size depends on the last.

I wear anywhere from a 9eee to an 11d depending on the last.

My strands took 8 different pairs to end up with the right fit.

This... I'm 11.5A in Strand, but the 11.5B Yuma is actually a bit snug.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
It sounds like ordering without trying them on would be a real crap shoot. I need a comfortable pair for touring Ireland at the end of June. The Fenway Comfort seem like they would be good for my flat feet, but I'm a little uncertain now.

I suppose the worst case is I have to send them back.
It sounds like ordering without trying them on would be a real crap shoot. I need a comfortable pair for touring Ireland at the end of June. The Fenway Comfort seem like they would be good for my flat feet, but I'm a little uncertain now.

I suppose the worst case is I have to send them back.

End of June will be tight ordering online now.
I ordered mine from AE's site and they indicated 4-6 weeks at the time I ordered.
They arrived in, IIRC, 3 weeks.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I tried the chat online. Because of my flat feet the 7 - 97 last was recommended. Pretty dressy stuff for jeans, but I ordered a pair of Macneil wingtips. We'll see. I'm not sure they are the touring Ireland shoes I was looking for - but they look like very nice shoes.
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