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Filling holllow handles with epoxy or...

I've done a couple of restores on Ever Ready brushes and have filled the cavities with epoxy to given the more weight. This costs about $5 a shot, so are there any other more affordable ways to add the same amount of weight without putting an entire tube of epoxy in there?

i glued & taped a stack of pennies together, then glued the in my ER handle. it is still working perfectly and added a substantial amount of weight. worked great, i would use that method again. tom
SWMBO has a hot glue gun. Anyone have experience using that as a filler material?

I plan to use a few coins to add weight to the handle I am working on as well.
I agree with tomjr: epoxy a few of those pennies together. That way, you're creating a shelf for the bottom of the knot to rest on, adding some weight to the brush, and using less epoxy in the handle. I've done it several times and it works beautifully.
In addition to coins, I've also used plumber's epoxy putty. Works great for filling odd spaces, adds a nice solid heft to the handle, and it's easy to use for building a shelf to position the knot.
another vote for coins - although I used dimes last time as that's all that would fit. Next time, I'll go find something a little cheaper to put in there as I needed 12 of them and I'm sure I could have found something around the same weight for less than $1.20
I have filled handles with plaster. Mix up a small 1-2oz batch and pour in to the handle and let harden overnight. Next day use epoxy to set the knot. The plaster adds a nice heft to the handle.
The last few I did I epoxied a few coins in the bottom then cut a wooden dowel to length to make my shelf out of.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
Depends if I want a light or a heavy handle. The majority of the restorations I do get a fill with cork, so the weight is about the same before restoration. However, some like it heavy, and in this case I use fishing lead weights. They come in all sizes and I can fill a whole handle and make it a deadly weapon...., but if you use lead or BB's I always encase it in epoxy so the handle will not rattle.
I use silicone adhesive/sealant...the giant tubes like you would caulk a bathtub...the tip fits in the hole of a brush handle and it's water proof. It is also a decent way to hold the knot in place and sets slowly so you can put the knot in and adjust before leaving it set.
I use silicone adhesive/sealant...the giant tubes like you would caulk a bathtub...the tip fits in the hole of a brush handle and it's water proof. It is also a decent way to hold the knot in place and sets slowly so you can put the knot in and adjust before leaving it set.

Is that what you used to hold the knot in place? If so, does it hold well? Sealant is pretty rubbery, so I'd think the knot would come out after a time.

I've done a few brushes with Silicone Adhesive and never had a problem with a loose knot. I don't particularly baby them...they get treated just like the ones with Epoxy.
Is that what you used to hold the knot in place? If so, does it hold well? Sealant is pretty rubbery, so I'd think the knot would come out after a time.


I've never had an issue, nor has anyone that's bought a brush reported any issues.
Silicon adhesive... I may try that. I suppose--and you can correct me here--that if you didn't like the knot, you maybe could remove it without too much damage to the knot and try it elsewhere.

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