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Fendrihan! A+


Just a quick plug for Alfred and Fendrihan. I bought my first DE from Fendrihan about a week ago, and went back for a another order today. I have had to email them a few times to ask questions and what not, and let me tell you, as someone who is addicted to his email, Alfred might have me beat! Two emails today and within ten minutes each time I get a response (this goes for the other times I've emailed too). It's Sunday for crying out loud! Here's a guy who really cares about his customers and his business.

Thank you Alfred and fendrihan.com!

PS. I am in no way affiliated with Fendrihan, just a satisfied customer.
I know the feeling! I bought my first DE a week ago from John @ Westcoastshaving.com, and I don't even have it a week, and tonight I placed ANOTHER order already.

Shipping was incredible, and the items were SPECTACULAR, and on top of that he even threw in a sample or two. I even wrote WCS an email to them praising them on their service because I was so impressed!

So don't keep us waiting! Tell us what you ordered! :lol:
Ah, the joy of the newbies as they first discover the great service of the many wonderful vendors we have to choose from... :biggrin:

Great service and the thrill of getting the products in the mail is part of what makes burgeoning AD's oh-so-sweet (if also bitter on the wallet). ;-)
Ah, the joy of the newbies as they first discover the great service of the many wonderful vendors we have to choose from... :biggrin:

Great service and the thrill of getting the products in the mail is part of what makes burgeoning AD's oh-so-sweet (if also bitter on the wallet). ;-)

..This is exactly what I fear is making me develop something farrrrr more worse than R/AD :)


My first order from Fendrihan was an EJ DE89L, and today I ordered a couple Boosters products and some Proraso pre/post. I've ordered from WCS (brush and blade sampler) and great service, and I've ordered form Momma Bear's (couple soaps)and had a great experience too.

Really, between these three, I may not need to go anywhere else :)
I've got most of my stuff from Fendrihan, and had nothing but great service and fast shipping as well. Definitely A+ here too.

edit: no affiliation here either :)
I ordered my first DE setup from Fendrihan and it shipped and would have arrived next day (damn Canada Post) so I had to wait. another before breaking into the best shaves ever. Alfred was great at answering my question (too bad I'm too new here to qualify for the discount code) :001_smile I will definitely be buying from him again!

I ordered my first DE setup from Fendrihan and it shipped and would have arrived next day (damn Canada Post) so I had to wait. another before breaking into the best shaves ever. Alfred was great at answering my question (too bad I'm too new here to qualify for the discount code) :001_smile I will definitely be buying from him again!


I'm in the same boat, quick service and neatly packaged. Can't complain. Will buy again.
I would have to concur with the rest of you ... Fendrihan is excellent ... i recently purchased an Edwin Jagger DE 86 from him... service is excellent .. shipping time/cost were excellent
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