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Fellow shavers in the UK only please!!

OK Ok I am a regular shaving guy on here - but have grown a huge beard now that covers nicely most of my face!!:001_rolle

I live in a lovely little village...............my nearest town would be Mansfield in Nottinghamshire (home of Robin Hood)!!

Now the beard and moustache have covered most of my face - I want to find a proper ''barber'' who could shape, thin out & tidy the neck line for me...........:001_cool: But have searched high and low on the web and can only find proper barbers in London (way too expensive) 1 in Plymouth and 1 in Dublin??!!:glare::thumbdown

Where oh where can I find a proper barber who would just not grab hold of clippers and then all my hard work is gone - my idea of a proper barber is someone who also offers beard shaping, trimming and wet shaving too!!!!!

So if you know of any please let me know (& not miles & miles away either)!!!

Nottingham is not too far either.................!

Cheers fellow shavers:001_cool::thumbup::thumbup1:
Try searching the Yellow pages or local directories for Turkish barbers, it's the only place I know around here that even touch on shaving.
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