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Federal SS Open Comb Followed Me Home


B&B membership has its percs
Today was a good day in the mailbox, after Larry the Postdude hauled off the bills I was paying he left me an unexpected check from a recent refinancing and a tattered box from the Bay of Fleas ..

The outside of the box was pretty lame (think cereal box re-purposed) and inside was the razor, which I didn't notice was armed with an old blade, wrapped in re-used bubble wrap.

After recalling I'd had a recent tetanus shot, and staunching the bleeding, I tried to unscrew the head, frozen of course in place by the old blade ..

Good news is that a drop of Kroil allowed me to take it apart, and pitch the thankfully stainless blade. Cleaned up pretty good, will be trying me most recent "all stainless" razor later on.

Cool little razor, congrats!
What is it? I have not a clue, I only see there is something written on the underside of the base plate.

hmmm, guess I should have read the title of the thread!
But still, what is written on the underside?

Sorry to hear that blood was shed during the ceremony.
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B&B membership has its percs
It's a Federal Razor, baseplate reads Federal over Stainless Steel over Made in USA
Cool, I've never seen one before. Sucks that you had to lose blood in the process :thumbdown. I've bought many razors that come that way as well. It can't ever be a new blade, can it? It's always the 50 year old, stained, rusted, green and blue, grungy, crappy blade adhered by rust in there.


B&B membership has its percs
Tried the Federal out for the first time, very mild, reminds me most of one of the hollow handled Gillette NEWs. Will give it another chance tomorrow with a fresh Feather
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