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Feather museum in Japan

Hi All
On Monday I had the chance to visit a small city called Seki in Japan. It is a city which is famous in Japan for the production of Samurai swords.
A famous swordsmith called Kaneshige (believed to have been one of the 10 disciples of the great warrior Masamune) moved to the area during the early part of the 14th century. This was the start of the areas association with swords.
But what has this got to do with shaving? Well the company that makes Feather blades and razors (founded in 1932) is based in Seki and it's factory is nearby. I got to visit the Feather museum and watched a mini documentary about Feather. I was also surprised to hear that they are also the number 1 producer in Japan of medical blades and scalpels too.
Also the men who work at Feather are expected to shave upon arrival at work so that they are always using the blades that they are involved in making.

Here are some photo's.

They also supplied boxed safety razors to soldiers during WWII. My wife said her grandfather was still using his gold colored Feather Razor many many years later.

I really like the wooden scales on the razors in the box. They had a showcase of razors throughout their history. It was really interesting!

I hope you like the pictures. I took lots but this is a Snapshot.


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That is fascinating and much appreciated!
I have some Feathers in the queue but haven't let them loose yet.
Thanks again for the history lesson, the pictures and a glance at a really interesting culture.
Thanks for this.
I just wonder why is there on the third photo a Merkur Futur. :detective:
Lol They did have some other blades too. I spotted a couple of old European vintages. One from Sweden I think and another from Germany.
There also had some old porcelain skuttles and a safety Razor strop.
Any of you learned gentleman use a strop for your safety razors?
That is fascinating and much appreciated!
I have some Feathers in the queue but haven't let them loose yet.
Thanks again for the history lesson, the pictures and a glance at a really interesting culture.
Oh niiiice. I really want a Feather Razor one day. My wishlist is getting a bit long. Well lots of birthday and Christmas present ideas sorted 🤭
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