I'm looking for the general consensus on the favorite Bay Rum soap. Colonel Conk sucks IMO, I want something worth a damn. 

If you're willing to put up w/ shaving one side at a time due to a weak lather, Burt's Bees is the best scented Bay Rum IMO.
The entire Ogallala lineup is fantastic, and fairly priced. After all, Bay Rum is what they do.
If you're willing to put up w/ shaving one side at a time due to a weak lather, Burt's Bees is the best scented Bay Rum IMO.
I just tried the Ogallala Bay Rum shave soap and like it a lot. At $4.75 a puck, not a bad deal. I got it at West Coast Shaving. And if you've ever tried the Ogallala Bay Rum AS, they also have a Limes & Peppercorns soap that smells exactly like the AS. Good stuff, IMO.
I'm quite fond of Ogallala and TGQ's Bay Rum w/ Sweet Orange. The scents are amazing and they lather quite nicely as well.