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Favorite Bay Rum Soap

Are you looking for a bath soap or are you looking for a shave soap? (I have used Bert's Bees bath bar and enjoyed it well)

I look forward to seeing the recommendations that come out!

Fraternally yours,
I just tried the Ogallala Bay Rum shave soap and like it a lot. At $4.75 a puck, not a bad deal. I got it at West Coast Shaving. And if you've ever tried the Ogallala Bay Rum AS, they also have a Limes & Peppercorns soap that smells exactly like the AS. Good stuff, IMO.
If you're willing to put up w/ shaving one side at a time due to a weak lather, Burt's Bees is the best scented Bay Rum IMO.
TGQ makes an amazingly well-scented & great-performing Bay Rum w/Sweet Orange soap (and an accompanying bath soap). Great stuff! I also just ordered samples of a bunch of soaps from Straight Razor Designs, among which is a Bay Rum. Will let you guys know what I think.

QED also used to make a wonderfully-scented Bay Rum soap. Unfortunately it was discontinued -- I think the all the EOs crammed into the soap were a bit much for most guys' faces to handle.
The entire Ogallala lineup is fantastic, and fairly priced. After all, Bay Rum is what they do.


Great glycerine soap, easy to get a good, slick, protective lather.
And the scent :tongue_sm.

Each & every soap in their line up is great, but my personal favourite is the Lime & Peppercorns.
If Ogallalla start making icecreams with that flavour, I know I'll gain 50lbs in a flash :w00t:
If you're willing to put up w/ shaving one side at a time due to a weak lather, Burt's Bees is the best scented Bay Rum IMO.

Agreed. I love the scent, but the lather just sucks. It works great as a base for superlather with a few cheap creams I've tried though. Never thought I'd get through the puck until I added the cream, but sure blazed through it once that discovery was made!
I have the MB Marauder Citrus, and was wanting another bay rum style soap. my 2 contenders seem to be something from Pirate Cove or Ogallala.

Anyone tried both? care to comment?
I've been using Prairie Creations version for about a month. It's in my rotation and it smells excellent! It performs at an 8 but smells like a 10.
I just tried the Ogallala Bay Rum shave soap and like it a lot. At $4.75 a puck, not a bad deal. I got it at West Coast Shaving. And if you've ever tried the Ogallala Bay Rum AS, they also have a Limes & Peppercorns soap that smells exactly like the AS. Good stuff, IMO.

Seconded, the Soap with the pepper and lime is my next purchase.

With what I have tried so far, I'd go with Ogallala (favs are Bay Rum or the Limes and Peppercorns) or Mama Bear's Marauder Citrus. All three get a BIG :thumbup:from me!
I'm quite fond of Ogallala and TGQ's Bay Rum w/ Sweet Orange. The scents are amazing and they lather quite nicely as well.
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