Hey everyone, just looking for some advice. After years of having a standard point and shoot (canon and sony) I'm looking at upgrading. By no means am I a professional and the camera will not be used as such. I am looking for something that takes good pictures for things like family events and just to capture the moment. I won't be doing things like swapping lenses or things like that. Honestly I don't know if I should just get a higher end point and shoot or upgrade to a low end DSLR. I also don't want to break the bank. With boxing day sales coming I'm trying to compile as much info as possible and hopefully snag a decent camera at a decent price. I know I'm probably not helping much so I'll try and provide any other information that may be needed. I basically know nothing about cameras except how to point them and push a button but I want something that takes a good photo that I can look back on years from now and remember. Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.