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Face Lathering Question

I see many posts that ask about brushes for face lathering. It seems that whether specifically stated in the query or implicit in the replies that face lathering always/only involves soap. I sometimes face lather with cream, especially when on a trip. What brush characteristics are best for that? Thanks, John
I face lather both soaps and creams and the only brush I have that is currently operational is a Crabtree & Evelyn Best Badger Brush. Never had a problem nor have I ever felt that the brush was inadequate. Your Mileage May Vary.
No, my mileage does not vary much. The C&E BBB is what I use as well, and occasionally use my B&B E. Seems that people usually recommended something stiffer. Am wondering why.
I have a taylor of old bond street silvertip that I use to face lather my cream. Incidentally, this is my only method. I don't see the benefit of lathering bowls , etc.

I see many posts that ask about brushes for face lathering. It seems that whether specifically stated in the query or implicit in the replies that face lathering always/only involves soap. I sometimes face lather with cream, especially when on a trip. What brush characteristics are best for that? Thanks, John
No, my mileage does not vary much. The C&E BBB is what I use as well, and occasionally use my B&B E. Seems that people usually recommended something stiffer. Am wondering why.

The general consensus is that stiffer brushes work best for lathering soap and floppy brushes work best for lathering cream. Another general consensus is that stiff brushes work better for face lathering, so I guess that face lathering = stiff brush = soap.

Or maybe it is all just an excuse to buy a new brush. :biggrin:
The last time I face-lathered was so long ago I can't remember it. As soon as I was told about using a lathering-bowl, my results improved so much I've never looked back! Was thinking of getting a scuttle, but that's another step....
I started with bowl but tried face lathering on a trip. I loved it, and it was less hassle.

I spend a good 5 minutes lathering and working it into my beard. I slowly add water until it seems right. If anything, I've found this extra time spent massaging the beard is great for the shave. I don't feel the lather is any worse than in the bowl.

I do however wish I had a scuttle to keep the loaded brush warm between passes.

I face lather with my tweezerman, but i've decided on a rooney 1/1 to substitute it.

The Tweezerman is the best valued badger brush period end of story. The Rooney 1/1 is 3xs the price. Both are great, but the Rooney is closing in on Nirvana. Both face lather beautifully.
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