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Face lathering Creams

Does anyone face lather creams? IF so do you put the cream on the brush and then go to your face or do you put the cream on your face rub it in and then build lather?
If you're talking about creams in a tube, I put a dab on each cheek (don't bother to rub it everywhere) and then face lather from there with a brush that has been soaking.

With creams or 'croaps' (softer soaps) that are in a tub/pot I dip or load the brush from the tub and then face or bowl lather.
I just soak the brush in warm water for a couple of minutes, shake off around 75% the excess water, then twirl the tips in the tub of cream.
I can get enough for 3 passes using TOBS or T&H. With my QCS "croap" I have to swirl the brush a little more vigorously for about 20 seconds to get the same amount of thick lather on the brush face lathering. QCS also sometimes needs a drop or 2 extra water after each pass to keep the lather coming.
Thanks guy. I think I'm going to try using Creams for a while and take a break from my soaps. While I love soaps and all the offer, I have never really gave creams the chance they deserve.
FWIW, I get better dispersion of the cream, and a better lather, if I apply the cream (thinly) to my face.

I have the advantage of additional real estate because I also apply a thin coat to the top of my bald head, which I shave every morning.

Between the face and scalp, creams lather just fine.
I just apply to face and work it into a nice lather. Starting to get into face lathering more than bowl bc it feels nice.
I face lather Real Shave Company cream, just a dab on wet brush from the tube and work a lather. It works very well. I find the fragrance pleasant. It is really inexpensive. If you are experimenting I recommend you try it and go from there. I find it performs much like any of the three T's creams but you don't have a number of fragrances to choose from. Rite-Aid has it on sale frequently for $4 a tube.
Face lathering with creams is how I first started lathering. I'd put a a little cream on the brush, work it in with my fingers a little, and then face lather away. Seemed to work just fine, never had any issues.
If you're talking about creams in a tube, I put a dab on each cheek (don't bother to rub it everywhere) and then face lather from there with a brush that has been soaking.

With creams or 'croaps' (softer soaps) that are in a tub/pot I dip or load the brush from the tub and then face or bowl lather.

+1 I do this also but smear creams from a tube on my face.
I add a snurdle of cream ( out of the tube ) onto the tip of my brush that has been soaking and proceed to face lather.
If you're talking about creams in a tube, I put a dab on each cheek (don't bother to rub it everywhere) and then face lather from there with a brush that has been soaking.

With creams or 'croaps' (softer soaps) that are in a tub/pot I dip or load the brush from the tub and then face or bowl lather.

exactly the same as BlackBear

I have also squeezed several tubes of shave cream into a wide plastic jar with a threaded lid. mixed the creams together and dip the wetted brush into here before face lathering.
My favorite cream is Palmolive (and very inexpensive in Germany). I directly apply it on my face, and create the lather there.
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