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Extra Full Tub Of TOBS?

I just received an order from Vintage Blades that included a tub of Taylor's Sandalwood (left) and Eton College (right) and upon opening them to take a whiff, I noticed that it looked like somebody had scooped out some of the Eton College. I was getting ready to send Jim an email, but decided to investigate further before I did by weighing an empty TOBS container so I could have a tare weight to see how much product was really in the bowls. As it turns out, the Eton College bowl was spot on at 5.3 oz, but the Sandalwood contained 6.3 oz of product!

So, should I return the extra ounce of cream? :lol:
Is it possible that they have changed the the weight of the tubs? A 20% overweight would make a big dent in margins - especially since TOBS is quite a deal to begin with.
I've found the tubs often look different. Often the cream will stick to the liner, peel off when opening, and look like its been used.
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