Ask me about shaving naked!
I've been wondering about the MdC soap and ordered some to see what the fuss is about. From reading B&B threads, I'd believe this soap is pricier than anything else - and it may be if you order 50 grams because of the shipping.
So as the old comedy routine goes, "Just how expensive is it?" I checked the cost per gram, not counting shipping because shipping has less of an effect the more you buy - from anywhere. I compared soap in containers unless noted, people think more of containers than the soap sometimes, and MdC does come in a tin. My prices came from MdC (which I rounded), Italian Barber, and West coast Shaving.
It's true those 3 tins of MdC soap were expensive, but by the same token, they're almost a pound and a half of soap (600 grams). International air shipping is $14-20 per pound for anything, so $20-25 shipping would be reasonable.
MdC $50/200g = $0.25/gram (it's actually 0.27 today)
Cella $12/150 = $0.08/gram (red tub) You can find it cheaper occasionally.
Boelllis Panama bulk $50/250 = 0.20
Boellis Panama confret = $130/250 = 0.52
Acca Kappa White Moss refill $16/50 = 0.32
Trumper in bowl $34/80= 0.42
Trumper refill $18/80 = 0.23
Mitchell's in bowl $35/125 = 0.28
Mitchell's refill $13/125 = 0.10
C&S refill $37/90 = 0.41
So while pricey, MdC doesn't really seem all THAT expensive for a top-tier soap, there are plenty that cost more per gram, and I'll bet if I looked more I'd find more soaps that are more expensive. Yet few people mention other soaps being really expensive.
I'd guess that if MdC made it 100 grams for $25 versus 200 grams for $50 no one would complain except about shipping.
Cheers, Steve
I've been wondering about the MdC soap and ordered some to see what the fuss is about. From reading B&B threads, I'd believe this soap is pricier than anything else - and it may be if you order 50 grams because of the shipping.
So as the old comedy routine goes, "Just how expensive is it?" I checked the cost per gram, not counting shipping because shipping has less of an effect the more you buy - from anywhere. I compared soap in containers unless noted, people think more of containers than the soap sometimes, and MdC does come in a tin. My prices came from MdC (which I rounded), Italian Barber, and West coast Shaving.
It's true those 3 tins of MdC soap were expensive, but by the same token, they're almost a pound and a half of soap (600 grams). International air shipping is $14-20 per pound for anything, so $20-25 shipping would be reasonable.
MdC $50/200g = $0.25/gram (it's actually 0.27 today)
Cella $12/150 = $0.08/gram (red tub) You can find it cheaper occasionally.
Boelllis Panama bulk $50/250 = 0.20
Boellis Panama confret = $130/250 = 0.52
Acca Kappa White Moss refill $16/50 = 0.32
Trumper in bowl $34/80= 0.42
Trumper refill $18/80 = 0.23
Mitchell's in bowl $35/125 = 0.28
Mitchell's refill $13/125 = 0.10
C&S refill $37/90 = 0.41
So while pricey, MdC doesn't really seem all THAT expensive for a top-tier soap, there are plenty that cost more per gram, and I'll bet if I looked more I'd find more soaps that are more expensive. Yet few people mention other soaps being really expensive.
I'd guess that if MdC made it 100 grams for $25 versus 200 grams for $50 no one would complain except about shipping.
Cheers, Steve