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Everything-but-soap PIF

OK. Saw this when it first came out but only now got down to writing my entry. I'm in!

1. Recipe.

Mozzarella and Avocado salad. Does what it says on the tin.
To make: 1 x Large mozzarella, 1 x large avocado, 1 x large tomato (but slightly squishy - not firm), olive oil and black pepper to season. Chop up the cheese and veg into bite sized pieces, drizzle with oil, twist of pepper, done. Perfect light lunch with some fresh bread. I tend to go through phases of eating it 3-5 times a week for lunch.

2. Camping Tool.

I am lucky enough to have a girlfriend who, rather than a t-shirt or novelty toy/keyring, brought me back a Laguiole knife when she went to France with her family and I couldn't go. This is a must for any camping trip.

3. Favorite Book.

I could pick many books to be a favorite across many genres but I think the one I'll go for is: 'Just William' by Richmal Crompton. As a child I would immerse myself into the world of William and his friends. The challenging of adults' authority is an excellent theme within children's literature and one I certainly enjoyed. I remember re-enacting the adventures of the 'Outlaws' with my friends and trying to make liquorice-water like my hero. I still collect the books now and have about 85% of them.

5. Photo from Internet.

This photo never fails to make me smile:


7. Unusual Fact.

I don't like my shoulders.

I'm in. I cant say this is my all time favorite recipe, but I just tried it recently and thought it tasted great and is really cool, so I wanted to share.

Garbanzo Bean Chocolate Cake (Gluten Free)

1 and 1/2 cups chocolate chips
3 tablespoons butter
1 (19oz) can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained
4 eggs
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9-inch round cake pan.
  2. Place the chocolate chips and butter into a microwave-safe bowl. Cook in the microwave for about 2 minutes, stirring every 20 seconds after the first minute, until chocolate is melted and smooth. If you have a powerful microwave, reduce the power to 50 percent.
  3. Combine the beans and eggs in the bowl of a food processor. Process until smooth. Add the sugar, baking powder, and the vanilla, and pulse to blend. Pour in the melted chocolate and blend until smooth, scraping down the corners to make sure chocolate is completely mixed. Transfer the batter to the prepared cake pan.
  4. Bake for 40 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a knife inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Cool in the pan on a wire rack for 10 to 15 minutes before inverting onto a serving plate. Dust with confectioners' sugar just before serving.
Awesome PIF!

My wife doesn't let me in the kitchen and Mother Nature doesn't let me go camping. I like to read, but couldn't possibly pick one favorite book. I just started DE shaving 2 weeks ago, so shave envy precludes me from posting a pic of my shave den. I can't post a pic of my favorite thing on the internet without violating B&B's rules. So, unusual fact about me: I just shaved my SWMBO's legs with my DE razor. (While that might not seem that unusual to some of you, I can assure you it is unusual to the rest of the world!). Even more unusual, I kind of liked it!
PIF ends tonight at midnight. Still a chance for more people to jump in if they are interested.
Ok I'm in.

Favorite recipe would be Buffalo Chicken Dip
! 8oz cream cheese
4 oz Franks Buffalo sauce
5 oz Ranch Dressing/ or Blue Cheese if you want it tangy
1 cup of chopped celery
1 large can of white chicken breast ( Tyson or Kirkland from Costco is good)
Mix everything but chicken together then fold chicken in so as not to break it all down, put into mini crock pot till hot.
Serve with celery or crackers
I'm in. I'm a huge pork fan, but don't really care for ham... Weird, I know.

Here's how I make my garlic herb pork loin.

Rub the pork loin with olive oil and place in a roasting pan. Drape slices of bacon over the top. Combine the chicken stock, rosemary, thyme, basil, sage and garlic. Pour over the roast. Place onions around the sides. Cover with a lid or aluminum foil.
Bake for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Remove the lid or foil, and continue to bake for 30 minutes, or until the bacon is browned. Cook to at least 145 degrees F
The PIF is now closed. The Winner, by random draw, is # 14.

christoferyacoub - it's your lucky day!

Send me your address and I'll get the package sent out this week.

Thanks to everyone for playing and for some of the great recipes, great books to read, great camping ideas, as well as some interesting facts!
Last edited:
The PIF is now closed. The Winner, by random draw, is # 14.

christoferyacoub - it's your lucky day!

Send me your address and I'll get the package sent out this week.

Thanks to everyone for playing and for some of the great recipes, great books to read, great camping ideas, as well as some interesting facts!

Guess I missed it (so sad) but here are the responses I would have chosen. As you can see there is plenty of winning potential here.

1. recipe for hot water:
put water in saucepan (copper coated All-Clad works best), set atop Viking stove, have servant turn on burner. Remove when water boils.

2. Favorite camping tool: Toilet paper. A sharp stick would be my runner-up.

3. Favorite book: A toss up between Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon or else The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann. I almost feel Finnegan's Wake should make the list but I feel it is too pedestrian.

Hera are some pictures from the internet. Mostly of cool Japanese inventions that have not made it here yet.

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