Tomorrow I'll be going to an estate sale for a couple that lived to a remarkable 90 years of age. I've often wondered what the appeal of visiting a persons house was for me and it occurred to me it was the wonder and privilege to view what was once made in America. Many and all the items will be available for purchase and this I find comforting as all will find new homes while others items will end up at antique stores or faires. I've been told there may be some razor there too
Also the fact this visit will be a time machine of sorts is pretty cool, an insight if you will, to a past that no longer can be duplicated. This is the same reason I go to Antique fairs I guess. Many items there are of solid quality that has lasted fifty to over a hundred years(take my 1914 Ever-Ready) which leaves me a greater appreciation for how things were made then. Also to see the label stamped "Made in the USA" is a welcome relief from seeing things made in places that I'll never visit or learned briefly in school that's ten thousand mile away. Also buying things at either Estate sales or Antique fairs your supporting an "American" worker. Although I do have to say that the profit margin for those vendors is less than minimum wage for the most part. So I encourage you to go t a local estate sale and step into a time machine. It's free, patriotic and will leave you wistful for a bygone time.
Thanks for the read.
Thanks for the read.
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