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Engraving a custom Eagle G3 in Best


i'm ALMOST at the point of pulling the trigger on a custom Eagle G3 in best. Mark has quoted me a small additional charge for engraving but I am at a complete loss as to what to get; I'm not blessed with a middle name and my initials are simply "P.B" so is that OK? Should I get my screen name (or is that too weird?), the year I purchased it???

Anyone able to chip in on thoughts, suggestions, rude gestures...?
I've found that, in the rare event of reselling/returning an item, engraving a name or initials can ruin an otherwise stable price.

Naming the brush (or other item) ITSELF however, makes it unique. Maybe go down that path? Altair was the Assassins Creed name meaning "Eagle" (arabic roots) and Gwaihir was the huge eagle that rescues Gandalf several times throughout the Hobbit/LotR.
Don't worry about the resale. It's your brush and is for your pleasure. My suggestion is to boldly put your name on it in fancy print.
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B&B's Man in Italy
Paul, last year Mark made for me two custom Duke 2 Best. They are engraved on the bottom of the handle and one has my name "Marco", while the other has my son's name "Joey". Name aside they are twins and look fantastic.
Paul, last year Mark made for me two custom Duke 2 Best. They are engraved on the bottom of the handle and one has my name "Marco", while the other has my son's name "Joey". Name aside they are twins and look fantastic.

I thought you were going to say the other had the name "Polo" engraved on it :lol:
An engraved brush would make a killer heirloom to pass down to future generations, but if you aren't 100% sure you are going to keep it for life the engraving will seriously damper the fair market value of the brush. Engraving it with the year would be cool though, I really like the roman numeral idea.
An engraved brush would make a killer heirloom to pass down to future generations, but if you aren't 100% sure you are going to keep it for life the engraving will seriously damper the fair market value of the brush. Engraving it with the year would be cool though, I really like the roman numeral idea.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly, on both counts. This thread has me fiending for an Eagle. I wonder how much a Manchurian one would cost...
Thanks guys,

the Roman numerals are a great idea. Also putting the name on the base a la 'Marco' would enable any possible resale to just grind it or clean it off.

Will let you know what I decide...


B&B's Man in Italy
Paul, I forgot to mention that I wanted the engraving to be placed on the bottom of the handles because I also wanted to maintain "THE DUKE" engraving on the side of the brushes.


B&B's Man in Italy
Marco, was the engraving straight or circular? On the bottom or sides?

I currently don't have the brushes at my home for a pic. The engraving was straight and on the bottom, but it really can be done in any style.
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