A friend of mine will be visiting in Egypt next month from England, and has offered to bring me anything I want from there. I'll definitely requisition a cake of soap she wants to bring me something as a gift but I'm also considering asking her to bring me a brush, for which I would reimburse her.
I'm only due to be in Cairo for another six months, and then presumably I will return to the US. Is there any brush in England that is not only so worthy but so much cheaper if bought on-site that I should ask her to bring it along, or should I just wait until I go back to the US? (Her finances are tightly limited, and it's not right to ask her even to front the cost of, say, a $50 brush. She's in grad school, so...nuff said about money.) It's not as if I have space in my tiny bathroom for a shaving stand anyway; I have yet to figure out where I can place my current El Cheapo synthetic brush so it will dry between shaves. It would be a waste to buy a nice brush, only to see it destroyed by an inhospitable environment.
I'm only due to be in Cairo for another six months, and then presumably I will return to the US. Is there any brush in England that is not only so worthy but so much cheaper if bought on-site that I should ask her to bring it along, or should I just wait until I go back to the US? (Her finances are tightly limited, and it's not right to ask her even to front the cost of, say, a $50 brush. She's in grad school, so...nuff said about money.) It's not as if I have space in my tiny bathroom for a shaving stand anyway; I have yet to figure out where I can place my current El Cheapo synthetic brush so it will dry between shaves. It would be a waste to buy a nice brush, only to see it destroyed by an inhospitable environment.