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English shaving brush?

A friend of mine will be visiting in Egypt next month from England, and has offered to bring me anything I want from there. I'll definitely requisition a cake of soap – she wants to bring me something as a gift – but I'm also considering asking her to bring me a brush, for which I would reimburse her.

I'm only due to be in Cairo for another six months, and then presumably I will return to the US. Is there any brush in England that is not only so worthy but so much cheaper if bought on-site that I should ask her to bring it along, or should I just wait until I go back to the US? (Her finances are tightly limited, and it's not right to ask her even to front the cost of, say, a $50 brush. She's in grad school, so...nuff said about money.) It's not as if I have space in my tiny bathroom for a shaving stand anyway; I have yet to figure out where I can place my current El Cheapo synthetic brush so it will dry between shaves. It would be a waste to buy a nice brush, only to see it destroyed by an inhospitable environment.
I'd be inclined to say no. It seems like the better English brushes are hard to find in shops anywhere outside St James, and easier to mail-order in the US than in the UK.

But if I'm wrong, I look forward to the education.
If you will return to USA in 6 months, I will suggest you to buy a boar brush. Their prices are not above £15 and they are great performers.
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