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Edwin Jagger user's opinion.

If you have any reservations apply a few strips of blu-tak aka prestik to the handle its not a permanent substance but should allay your fear of dropping until you become more familiar with your grip. Blu-Tak / Prestik wont leave a mark nor will it leave any harmful residue on the razor, your concerns aside the EJ 89 / Muhle R89 is the (arguably so) best razor ever!
I picked up the, from what I understand, pretty new DE89 model the "extra grip knurled" as my first DE and it seems to have pretty good grip compared to what I would expect from a smooth handle version. I can't compare to any other knurled type DE's though since this is my first. http://www.westcoastshaving.com/Edw...-Extra-Grip-Handle-Knurled-Chrome_p_2496.html It's also about $20 cheaper than the diamond knurled one that someone posted a picture of a few posts back, although I'd expect the more pronounced pattern on that to offer better grip. I don't know that it's 150% of the cost of the one I bought better though.
I don't notice a difference in the handles of the R41 and the DE89.
I love the smooth chrome finish though.
You could always get the barley version.
I have a Chatsworth ivory razor, brush and blue chrome stand. I like the way they look and that's as important to me as performance. I am an old 68 year old Anglophile and the Jaggers make me feel like the Prince of Wales. By the way, I am still 3G.
I have the 89l - VERY slippery when wet. By far the hardest to hold as compared to all of my vintage Gillettes and AS-D2.

However, as previously stated, rub an alum block on your fingers and problem solved. Works great.
I use the DE86. Same head but with the faux Ivory handle. No problem with grip if I keep my hands soap free.
Personally I think this is a fantastic razor. It really got me back into safety razor shaving. I judge all others by
the smoothness of this razor which is ultra smooth anywhere between Derby and Feather.


That's not me in the pic honest.
I replaced my EJ DE8911's original smooth handle with a Weber Bulldog handle. My reason is that right hand's middle fingers were broken--sometimes severely--several times in my younger years. The Bulldog's 'grittier' handle makes it easier for me to hold the razor.

This is my setup as well. The EJ came with the chrome lined handle, which is unfortunately somewhat slippery when wet. It becomes even worse when some soap gets on it. I just dealt with it and wiped my hand on the towel whenever I sensed a poor grip. Then I bought a Weber with a classic handle. The difference in grip as well as balance was night and day. So I bought the Weber Bulldog handle for the EJ head. The combination of a heavy, knurled handle with the mild shaving EJ head makes this combo a fantastic razor, especially with a sharp blade. The threading of the handle fits the EJ head perfectly, like it was made for it.
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