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Ebay Seller Recycling Pictures

Update: See post #12

So, I purchased this Fatboy and am expecting it to arrive on Monday. I noticed tonight after browsing ebay, that the seller is using the same photos for another Fatboy listing. Seems shady and deceptive, right? Now I'm worried what I'm going to get.
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That's not what I'd expect from a experienced seller :glare:
Let's hope the one you get is in even better shape than the one in the pics :001_cool:
So, I purchased this Fatboy and am expecting it to arrive on Monday. I noticed tonight after browsing ebay, that the seller is using the same photos for another Fatboy listing. Seems shady and deceptive, right? Now I'm worried what I'm going to get.

Probably more lazy then dishonest.
To take good pictures I use a light box a couple lamps and the camera on a tripod.
I'd check out the razor closely and be pissed if it isn't the one picture or one as nice.
I ran into this problem a few months ago. Northint was his screen name. Communication was non-existent and shipping took a better part of three weeks. Only after filing a dispute with PayPal did the seller decide to communicate with me. Turns out he was just a lazy person and the razor was as described in the auction. Needless to say, I won't buy from him again.
It could also be an honest mistake. I do a lot of selling on ebay, and have on a couple occasions forgotten to change pictures when recycling a listing for an identical item.
I emailed the seller and gave them a heads up. I basically told them that if my razor wasn't as good or better than the one pictured, I expect a partial refund. Is that too harsh?

same thing here, but the razor was nicer than expected, no worries...

Wait...did you get one from this seller?
I emailed the seller and gave them a heads up. I basically told them that if my razor wasn't as good or better than the one pictured, I expect a partial refund. Is that too harsh?

Wait...did you get one from this seller?

I would want a full refund if it is not what I bought. I feel like I am buying an "actual item", not just "something that looks like what is in the picture", but that's just me. (unless it is in better condition, of course:)

We bought something from him, I think it was a slim. It was not for me, but we used my account and he was the seller and it came out ok.
His stuff is mostly higher priced than what I can pay right now.
Update: I received the package today and this is what I saw:

Razor handle has a huge patch of brassing and the paint is non-existant on the numbers. But the worst is the blade gap created by the doors closing is completely uneven. It's not even usable. I'll demand a refund, but do you think they should pay return shipping too? (I shouldn't have to pay for their deception) I guess the search continues for a Fatboy.

First picture is the one I received, second is the one pictured in the listing.
That is ridiculous and unacceptable. People like that are what make buying on eBay so risky. Hopefully you paid with Paypal and can file a dispute for your money back. Contact the seller directly and tell them that you want a full refund and a return shipping label. If they refuse, contact eBay. At best, what you should get is your purchase price and shipping refunded and just keep the razor. At worst, you'll be stuck in the middle of a dispute war for quite some time.
Yes they should refund all your money and send you a new shipping label if they really want it back. It's not like the razor they sent you was 'slightly different'. That's completely unacceptable in my book.
I honestly don't know how some people can sleep at night, I would be absolutely miffed off if I were you :angry:

If it's any consolation, karma is a wonderful thing and it has a way of creeping up on people....

(Edit: it would be good to have a listing of such sellers so we all know to avoid them like the plague)
Well, they replied to the email I sent and will return my purchase price but not the return shipping. Basically, I now have to pay for their ineptitude and failure to follow eBay rules. It is a rule that you can't sell an item that's different from the photo right :) ?
Well, they replied to the email I sent and will return my purchase price but not the return shipping. Basically, I now have to pay for their ineptitude and failure to follow eBay rules. It is a rule that you can't sell an item that's different from the photo right :) ?

Correct...you may not willfully describe an item incorrectly. You will win this dispute for sure...DO NOT GIVE IN and pay the return shipping. Keep that email and contact both eBay and Paypal immediately.
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