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Ear Hair Trimming Tools

What is your ear hair trimming tool of choice?

I love my DE razors but would never risk cutting my ears using one. Be that as it may, what are you folks using to trim your ear hair...lobes, around the canal opening, and the tragus. I use my older braun electric for my ears.

This guy pictured has extremely long ear hair and could benefit from this thread:

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Mendel, I'd appreciate it you'd at least give me the credit of mentioning my name at least while sharing a photo of me!:lol:JK!
I HATE the hair in my ears and have been using a Conair beard trimmer w/ different attachments. As we get older, I guess we can
look forward to more hair growth! Yay! :thumbdown
For the ear lobes I use a disposable razor twice a week. For the inside I use a small battery operated razor like the ones "as seen on tv."
I use a Remington personal groomer, had it for years, has a little swivel head that has a beard trimmer, you then swivel it 180 and the other side is a micro trimmer about 5mm wide, perfect for ears and nose etc
I have one of those little battery powered Pencil type trimmers. Ugh! So I finally worked up the guts to use my 47 Aristocrat to at least do the outside edge of my ears. So after shaving my face I dabbed some P-160 on my ears and focused! Well hot dang, I done did it. Crystal blade on 2nd shave. Holy Sheep what a difference , my ears got a dfs with no "penalties". Yes I'll use that little lawnmower thingamabob for the inner workings , but from now on the hair on my ears better watch out!:badger:
Here is what I use a Groom Mate nose & ear hair trimmer and an Anticor corn razor. The Anticor razor does a great job on the out side of the ear and I have never cut myself with it. I also use the Anticor razor for touch up.
I've got one of those Panasonic rotary trimmers. I didn't think I'd need anything like that until I was 40 at the earliest, but here I am at 33 with shrubbery coming out of my ears!
That's the primary function my old Sensor now serves, although I also use Bic disposables. No rotating nose hair clipper I've ever had lasted more than a year, if that long. When I want to be very thorough and smooth (stubble-less) around the tragus and anti-tragus, I'll use a tweezer.
What is your ear hair trimming tool of choice?

I love my DE razors but would never risk cutting my ears using one...

I've tried a DE on my ears (bad idea) and cartridge razors (better, but not ideal). The best tool I've found for trimming ear hair is one of those pen trimmers. The one I have is a Remington. It does a fantastic job of trimming hair without pulling/snagging and will never cut you. Only problem with it is that I have to coax it into working sometimes by tapping on it. :001_rolle

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I once trimmed a friend's nose hair by using a cigarette lighter. It was effective, but he claims that he had a burning stench in his nose for days.:devil:

Not sure about ears though.
I've got one of those Panasonic rotary trimmers. I didn't think I'd need anything like that until I was 40 at the earliest, but here I am at 33 with shrubbery coming out of my ears!

Yep, between 25-30, hair stops growing on your head an starts growing in other areas. Wait till it starts changing colour.:ohmy:

I have one of those Philips cordless/rechargeable trimmers and it does not last more than a minute on a charge. Gotta try a corded or human powered trimmer like the Groom Mate.
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