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Double Edge DEcember 2023

As November comes to an end we roll into December with its main event Decemboar. But what if you don’t have or don’t like boar brushes :eek2:? Would you be without an event this whole month?

That was a question raised in the NOCvember thread by @Iridian and after some tomfoolery it got me thinking.

So I present to you DEcember or Double Edge DEcember bringing together OCtober and NOCvember! Enjoy any razor you have, safety bar or open comb provides it is a DE razor!

Following SEptember for Single Edges, there can be a place for DE razors. Vintage or modern - anything goes! Just post pictures or a recollection of your shaves. No requirement for a minimum number of SE shaves. Simply having fun is!

I know @Iridian will like it and @huck1680 also mainly has synthetic brushes, I haven’t seen @never-stop-learning ever use boar brushes (but I could be totally wrong), perhaps @Shaun asleep wants to help kick start this. And is it perfectly fine to be in both of course (I am, I have some boars lined up) - what say we?

Enjoy DEcember everyone!!


Check Out Chick
Staff member

Why not be in.
Star DE safety Razor for todays shave. Fifth shave on both this Star DE safety razor and Gillette Silver Blue Blade. Happy DEcember.
365 daily shaves
Lasta’s Blade Stash09/32

Mühle Rocca R94Gillette Silver Blue (6)FNX Barber Boar
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Proraso Green preshave
Kox Dutchy Bergamot
Cold splash

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
(details here)
Quality / My process
8/10 (~20m)10/10 (Clean)
EffectivenessComfort / Blade condition
9/10 (BBS)
10/10 (GlideFest)


Summary - First maiden face shave with the latest addition to the den. I am so over the moon. Excellent Friday shave.

For extended shave notes click here.

Enjoy your shave!


Cool and slimy
I will shave right when back home, early afternoon! @Guido75
The advantage of DEcember is that I can use both SB and OC razors. I was thinking of my Athena of course, but I might start out with a Dual Comb razor with SB and OC to emphasize the dual nature (blablabla... hehe) of DEcember. :em3400:

I have these from NOCvember:

And these from OCtober:

Ignore the one single edge in there. That's my Schick Repeater OC I use for ground travel. And I have no trips scheduled for December, so it can stay in the Dopp Kit.

With my usual daily driver:

And the backup:

Both Fasan Double Slants with their handles changed out.

Easy Peasy. I shave daily with a DE, so I'm in!

This morning's shave brought to you by Rockwell T2 SS and a Feather blade (shave 3). Made even sweeter by using Chiseled Face Bay Rum shaving soap, brought to a luxurious lather using my Merkur Futur Silvertip Badger brush and Beau Brummell marble bowl.


Cool and slimy
Yaqi Vostok 1.05 Duo / Feather


This razor has a dual comb, so it can be used for OCtober, NOCvember and DEcember... :biggrin1:
The handle is the Milano from Yaqi, the stand is an apparently no longer made 12 mm steel stand from Anself.

Some might already know and others guessed, it is a Lupo clone. But unlike the Lupo DC both sides here have 1.05 gap, it is dialed up quite a bit, but still doesn't bite. Beat me why the Lupo .95 OC is supposedly so high on Razorock's razor aggression list, I find the JAWS .84 much more threatening and higher in injury potential.

There is a slight difference to the Lupo .95 geometry: Higher gap, a bit more blade exposure, a bit less secure clamping - so you can hear the blade sing when shaving, the downside is a slightly less tight clamping, which interestingly doesn't seem to affect the shave negatively. If it does, the extra gap makes up for it. I still find it very well behaved, not aggressive at all. The Yaqi Harlequin is much more aggressive than this one for instance.

The Milano handle is a surprisingly good fit - grippy through shape, despite no knurling and just a spiral design. I actually only got it as I had other handles already, but it fit so well that it is still paired with this head.

I would rate it as medium to not quite that medium-high aggression at max, it doesn't match the one-pass and maybe it's already perfect of a R41 and needs some corrections, but overall this is a much beloved razor people don't have on their radar if they already have one of the Lupos.

P.S. no worries, the Athena is next. It's right now sleeping in the wooden coffin of the Ares, with the Ares on top. Simply still couldn't find a fitting stand for it yet! :001_wub:
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