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OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
...starting this thread, guys. :glare:

OK, here it goes. Sigh.

Have any of you tried honing, on a coticule or other type of stone, using Ummm... water based personal lubricant instead of water for the final laps?

I've been thinking about the whole "oil will mess up your coticule" debate, and it seems to me that this could be the perfect solution. Personal lubricant would perform the same function as oil, but being water based it should just wash right off, without doing the long term harm that oil might do to the stone.

I might not have too much honing time in the next little while, but I'll give it a try when I can and report back.

Now... your sensible thoughts?
As long as the difference is measurable, hey why the hell not! I would personally make some

If you have a usb microscope show the difference. There are no wrong answers, just different approaches and opinions. If someone makes fun of you, they will be taken care of.... :death:

I would like to try this out( the video) but living abroad and having to purchase everything through ebay tells me to wait on it.
I'm getting a USB microscope so maybe, if luck has it, that I can find everything cheap and show something. No harm destroying a slurry stone right? Please report back...
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I would avoid KY jelly as it starts to get pilly after some time, I have seen this on abdomens when doing ultrasounds.

If you want to try it out use astroglyde.

I tried to think of something sunny to say but I couldn't, I'll have to come back to that.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
There is liquid types, rather than the jelly types. I was thinking of the liquid for our purposes.
I've always thought it was funny there are really only two mediums for honing, water or oil. They're so different, there must be something that can meet in the middle...?
Soapy water is the middle ground.

This thread is simply the result of a deviant looking for ways to use up his vast stockpiles of KY.
Soapy water is the middle ground.

This thread is simply the result of a deviant looking for ways to use up his vast stockpiles of KY.
I have been told a story-can't vouch for the validity-but here it goes.

" I was caring for a woman from Kentucky and asked, "So how's your breakfast this morning?" "It's very good, except for the Kentucky Jelly. I can't seem to get used to the taste," the patient replied. I then asked to see the jelly and the woman produced a foil packet labeled "KY Jelly.""

Mike H

Instagram Famous
I sometimes use Smith's Honing Solution, it is a non petroleum solution that performs like oil. Reportedly a mixture of emollients, lubricants, cleaners and a mild corrosion inhibitor.


edit- (when honing on a coticule)
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I've always thought it was funny there are really only two mediums for honing, water or oil. They're so different, there must be something that can meet in the middle...?

This is an interesting point. (It's just too bad it had to asked on this thread.) Sometimes I have wondered if alcohol would make for a third medium. If oil is used to make a coticule (or hone) "smoother," perhaps alcohol could make it more aggressive? Intoxication through skin-absorption?
Finally...an excuse for this industrial size bottle of lube in my office!

I'm going to have to try that.
I know absolutely NOTHING about coticules or honing (I've just gotten into straights)...but I know alot about the later, and recommend this hands down:

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