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does shaving make your hair grow thicker

is that a myth or is it true because i swear sometimes i feel that when i shave off my beard and grow it back out for a few days, it looks thicker and darker. maybe im just going crazy

but it cuts them right at the roots, and cleanly. So it appears that its thicker when it grows back
I don't think so, either. And I actually enjoy having a day or two of growth. For whatever reason, I get a better shave when there's more to take off.
I shave every third day for precisely the reason that Erik mentioned. Razors seem to deal with a few days of growth better than they do with very short stubble, or very long stubble.

Uh oh... I smell a logic problem. PHYSICS MAN, AWAY!
maybe shaving cuts the hair straight, so when it grows back there is no taper to a point so it looks thicker. Also my beard lightens towards the ends so looks thick for a couple of days then lightens up
I've been trying quite a few different soaps and blades lately. Something I've noticed is that a good shave produces square cut hairs that make the regrowth feel thicker to my fingers. When I have a not so good shave, the first days regrowth feels thinner as if its been flailed off my face with a weed wacker.
But once the growth gets past a day it all evens out again, same old hair size!
Now, I'm not saying that Snopes is the most reliable source in the whole world, but they seem to do their research and back it up with expert opinions. A quick google brought up this: http://www.snopes.com/oldwives/hairgrow.asp

I like when they say that if the claim were true then bald men would be cutting/shaving their hair (or lack thereof) constantly.

that was a good article to read. i figured it might be a myth but i figure why not ask my fellow shavers on here
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