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Does anyone have a face wash before shaving?


Needs milk and a bidet!
If I dont shave immediately after a shower then I wash before shaving, but mainly just the help with softening of the beard. I use Nivea Revitalizing face scrub.
I recommend Lucky Tiger, both the wash and scrub types if you want to try something really different. Orange, citrus scented and works as well as others I've used.
I use a quality bar soap, right now it's MB shea butter Aged Spice. If I feel my face starting to dry from it (which hasn't happened yet) I will use Zirh.


The wife's investment
I use soap and hot water. Any old soap will do.

Not sure anyone uses this anymore (except us traditionalists). Seems like so many have fallen prey to the marketing campaign that each body part needs a special product. Just plain soap and water for me as well.
I just use a plain ol' bar of tea tree soap. After that's gone I have a bar of Stirling Soap Company's vegan acne soap to use. I find using a soap containing tea tree oil keeps the rare blemishes I get in check.
You want to use a scrub because those little granuales will help to free up ingrown hairs and lift other hairs slightly before your lather. Truefitt and Hill No.10 makes a great facial scrub for around $15. It's got a great scent as well.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
I wash and prep my face with Cetaphil Antibacterial Soap (by loading my Natural Bristle Brush brush with Cetaphil soap then scrub my face in a circular motion...works great for
ingrown hairs). :thumbsup:

"Everyone who's ever [washed their face] has an idea. It's the person who [rinses], dries off and does something about it who makes a difference". Nolan Bushnell


The wife's investment
You want to use a scrub because those little granuales will help to free up ingrown hairs and lift other hairs slightly before your lather. Truefitt and Hill No.10 makes a great facial scrub for around $15. It's got a great scent as well.

What's wrong with just using a wash cloth? I don't understand the need for the abrasives, unless I'm trying to scrub grease off my hands.
Cetaphil facial bar for me. It works well and isn't expensive. Ivory bath bar also works well and is the cheapest thing you'll find.
You want to use a scrub because those little granuales will help to free up ingrown hairs and lift other hairs slightly before your lather. Truefitt and Hill No.10 makes a great facial scrub for around $15. It's got a great scent as well.
Daily exfoliation is actually bad for your skin.
Scrubbing my face before a shave was a huge mistake that I made only once. If it works for you, go for it. But I agree, doing it every day is really bad for your skin. I use Cetaphil. Simple, cheap and gets the job done without drying my skin out.
I use the following before I shave and it makes my shave go smooth. I bought it @ Target just to clean my face but now I wont go without it keeps my skin from getting irritated.

http://www.amazon.com/Nivea-Energy-...foliating face wash for men&tag=5336612468-20

I've been using either Anthony For Men or Jack Black face wash for years. I consider it part of my pre-shave routine but I wash my face with it daily, even when I don't shave. I'm about out of the Jack Black stuff I'm using right now and wanted to look into some other options, does anyone have a good recommendation for face washes?

This is what I use...

Billy Jealousy "White Knight" face wash everyday. It smells like Papaya and Rosemary and is incredible!
I've been using either Anthony For Men or Jack Black face wash for years. I consider it part of my pre-shave routine but I wash my face with it daily, even when I don't shave. I'm about out of the Jack Black stuff I'm using right now and wanted to look into some other options, does anyone have a good recommendation for face washes?

This is what I use...


I uses glycerine based soaps. Glycerine rehydrates hair. It makes your beard soak up water faster and retain it so that you can shave easier

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