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Does anybody NOT use aftershave?

My favorite AS preparations are Em's aftershave splashes and Ogallala Bay Rum. Em's has no alcohol and a lot of oils and some witch hazel and is not greasy or oily at all. Bay Rum and Woodstock are my choices. Ogallala has some alcohol but not as much as others, so has little burn.
I got all freaked out after reading Joel's posts on soap :redface:

Alum, witch hazel, the cologne my wife likes. No AS. I think that means no AS :confused:
I pretty much stopped using AS's after high school, but have resumed their use since switching to a DE razor. Like the other post'er, I enjoy the full pageantry of the shave experience. AS is the dismount and a great way to end a perfect shave. Plus I enjoy the scents. But to each his own; I fully understand why some do not use them.
My face tends to dry up sometimes from sun and wind and whatnot (I ride my bike everywhere). I like to put aftershave on for some extra moisturizing and for the scent. I'm currently on a SCS Aftershave Milk kick. They're great products.
Hit 'n miss with me. Depending on what I'm doing it is sometimes better to not have a fragrance on me.
No aftershave for me. No balm. Nothing.

I use C&E Sandalwood soap, and when I'm done I rinse with warm and then cold water.
I don't use after shaves normally. However, since I already have a few I'm trying to use them up. I don't know if I'll buy more.
I often don't. Having no sense of smell, I have little reason to. When I do it's for my skin, not other people's noses. Of course, I never use cologne.
I use the Anthony Logistics alcohol-free toner, that's it. My wife got it because she liked how it seemed very simple and I've been absolutely thrilled with their stuff. Wife prefers men who smell "natural" so I'm not allowed to use perfumy scents :)
I often don't. Having no sense of smell, I have little reason to. When I do it's for my skin, not other people's noses. Of course, I never use cologne.

Interesting you bring that up. I have a couple soaps that I can not smell at all. I showed them to my wife and she said they smelled strongly. Apparently I just can't pick up the scent, while others I smell fine.
Interesting you bring that up. I have a couple soaps that I can not smell at all. I showed them to my wife and she said they smelled strongly. Apparently I just can't pick up the scent, while others I smell fine.

That is interesting. My wife smelled (read: caught me with:wink:) some soap that everyone in the store said was very mildly scented. I walked in, went straight to the bathroom with it, and was confronted immediately when I emerged..."What are you shaving with now?" :rolleyes:
I have decided not to use after shave since I got the Alum block that I have started to rub around my cheek after shaving. Boy, does that alum block burn!! I hope I can live with this new fad.
I use some heavy duty moisturizer or even lotion in the winter, or my neck winds up shredding and flaking. During the summer, nothing at all.

Thus, no A/S. When I was a teen I used it because I assumed it was a good idea to run screaming in circles for 30 seconds after a shave, but eventually graduated to a full beard for a few years :smile:
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